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1,immediately wash your wounds:if your wound is dirty,and extravasation of blood,should clean the wound,the available water or normal saline.If the wound of sediment didn't wash,will be left in your skin pigmentation,affect beautiful,but also can cause infection.
2,immediately stop bleeding:if your wound bleeding is very serious,you should first stop the bleeding.The quickest means of hemostatic is direct pressure.In the wounds a clean,absorbent cloth or towel,to handle the pressure.If you cannot find cloth or towel,can be replaced by hand.Usually the bleeding in 1 2 minutes.If there is blood seeping,plus a towel pressure.
3,cut down the nearest artery:if the wound bleeding,you need to go to a doctor immediately.But on my way to the hospital,you can be found between the wound and heart wound nearest arteries,arterial pressure,can play a role to relieve bleeding.Pay attention to loosen about 1 minute or so.
4,treatment with sugar wounds:you can apply it to the wound apply some sugar to accelerate wound healing,sugar can make the bacteria lack of nutrients necessary for growth or reproduction.So cuts usually recover quickly without callus,and not easily get scar.(but it is important to note:in the wound with sugar before,make sure the wound is clean,and no longer bleeding.More blood sugar can make the bleeding wound.Do not use sugar powder or black sugar,they also have the effect,but they contain starch and iodine in the congregation.And with these sugar treatment of wounds,easy is scabby.
5,let the wound moist:when the wound is exposed to air,easy to crusting,which slows the growth of new cells.You can use the soak of vaseline gauze to keep the wound of water vapor,only a small amount of air will be allowed to pass.Cells under the condition of damp and rapid regeneration.
6,and apply it to the wound gush "good fast" :this drug can kill bacteria and function of accelerating wound healing,the beginning will be a little sore.You can spray once every few hours,this will make your wound recovery soon.
7,the injection of tetanus shot:injection of tetanus shot is very will
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