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Example One
A Letter to a Scholarship-winning Friend
1. 比你高一个年级的好朋友得了奖学金,你很替他骄傲和高兴;
2. 夸奖他一向勤奋、好学、有专业天赋,是你的榜样;
3. 希望他能够介绍一些好的专业书给你,并介绍一些学习经验。
Dear Ann,
Can you imagine what a delight I take in your winning a first-rank scholarship? I am sincerely writing this letter to express/voice my heartfelt congratulations.
As we all know,
You are a _____ person, and I ……

You, enthusiastic and enterprising, are one of the most talented and diligent勤奋的 in our department, already wining 2 awards for scientific innovation.

On the one hand, you are vocal and high spirited in the classroom, always coming up with luminous明确的,清晰明了的 questions which show an extraordinary非凡的,卓越的=outstanding grasp of the subject.

On the other hand, you are splendid/fantastic in social activities, as作为 the president of the English Club and a member of the Student Union.
No wonder that your advice is frequently sought and your phone rings constantly/continuously.

Now your hard work finally pays off. 还清债务;得到回报

No doubt that it is your straight A academic record,
along with/as well as
your outstanding contribution to social activities/movements, that made you a scholarship-winner.

As your bosom/intimate亲密的 pal/companion/mate, I am so proud of you and so lucky that I can always learn from you.
I will be/feel greatly honored荣幸 if you can lend some reference books to me.

And your advice on study will be highly appreciated欣赏;赞扬.


Example Two(课后练习)
An E-mail of Invitation to a Get-together

1. 问候对方,了解对方这两年的情况;
get acquainted with

2. 约对方在假期里参加全e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e59b9ee7ad94331班同学聚会;
get-together / gala

3. 夸奖对方多才多艺,请他准备节目。 versatile

Dear Ann,

How time flies! I haven’t heard from you ever since we graduated two years ago. How have you been?

Can you imagine what a delight I am informed of your E-mail address?

I am sincerely writing this letter to express/voice my heartfelt joy and get acquainted with your current situation.

By the way, since we haven’t seen each other for so many years, therefore, a get-together party, organized by our enthusiastic monitor, Jonathan,
will have been planned in our schedule.

It is to be held possibly sometime in the coming summer vacation, preferably in some place near our high school.

And at that time, you, full of passion激情 and enterprise事业心,魄力, were one of the most talented and versatile多才多艺的 member in our department,

often winning awards in various activities and contests.

So, if you can prepare a program and make a fantastic/outstanding
/extraordinary performance in this gala, we will be more than delighted.
more than + adj. 非常。。。
No wonder/doubt that you will be the most dazzling 耀眼的stars among the whole audience.

As your bosom/intimate亲密的 pal/companion/mate, I am so proud of you and so lucky that I can always learn from you.

If you can manage to come, please tell us when you’re available. If you can’t make it, please also let us know. What is more important, please keep me updated更新 of any change of your address, E-mail and phone number etc.
All the best!


开篇句型:1.With the rapid development of …
2.Nowadays there is a growing concern over …
3.Recently the problem has been brought into focus.
结尾句型1. From what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that …
2. In summary, if we continue to ignore the above-mentioned issue, more problems will crop up.
3.With the efforts of all parts concerned, the problem will be solved thoroughly.


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