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From yesterday to today, the passage of time bit by bit, every minute, have a lot of people in disaster areas for rescue and medical officers and men of insufficient resources, and faced with the risk of death. Internet, the latest news and pictures and video continuously came, of which a video, What I can not forget: the first video screen, is a the buildings have collapsed, this place was once a beautiful campus. In the collapsed rubble, a tender little face appeared. It was a year or two about the little girl. After a day of burial, the little girl's face due to excessive hunger and lack of oxygen, the original rosy little face has become a black and yellow of the yellow. In her face, tears cried faintly visible, as well as a touch of despair. The little girl's mouth is still one, but in the video but did not hear her voice, presumably little girl buried in the rubble cried out at once for help, my voice has changed a dud. To see this little girl, my heart is very mixed feelings. Sichuan earthquake, resulting in tens of thousands of people trapped in the ruins. They and the little girl, in the rubble of the reactor can not help themselves, if not timely rescue of their officers and men, these people's lives will be at risk, by the death of oppression. At this time, heard a while shouting: "Anyone here!e68a84e8a2ade799bee5baa6339" A group of men running, moved to the implementation of the rescue work. The little girl's face suddenly filled with joy, shouted: "Come and save me!" A men bowed his head, the little girl said: "girl, we are to save you. Do not speech, good alone, patience so us! "The little girl did not listen to the speech, the officers and men looked on helplessly. As the little girl in the rubble layer, if the use of some rescue equipment, could collapse again ruins of the little girl's life crisis. Not be used machinery, officers and men on a circle, get down to pawing the rubble by hand. At this time is one o'clock, the officers and men have rescued a number of locations collapsed long ago tired. However, as long as their lax one second, then trapped under the ruins of people may face the risk of death! Order to the affected people, their plight, tired, simply nothing. Officers and men is holding "soon to be more than one second to save a" belief, uninterrupted rescue the affected people. At this time, little girls around the rubble was finally finished cleaning up the officers and men, little girls were successfully rescued.

Sichuan 7.8 earthquake alerted the world, the fate of people of disaster areas also affect the 1.3 billion Chinese people's heart. After the earthquake in Wenchuan, Sichuan, China Seismological Bureau has launched a plan. 12 by the China Seismological Bureau, Beijing Military District Corps of Engineers and the Armed Police General Hospital, 150 22-member national earthquake disaster emergency rescue teams have rushed to Wenchuan is responsible for search, rescue and medical tasks. China's Air Force today dispatched twenty-two military transport aircraft, air to the Sichuan earthquake more than six thousand paratroopers and four command vehicles, the implementation of Mianzhu, County, in north of the earthquake relief mission. Ministry of Civil Affairs has allocated 25,000 emergency support to the Sichuan disaster relief tents and other relief supplies are being mobilized in transport. And the community, many enterprises in the Chinese Red Cross, Sichuan is also assistance.

The face of disaster, unity is strength. When the 1.3 billion Chinese people side by side, arm in arm, heart to heart, when any difficulties are temporary, any disaster can be overcome

2. Wenchuan earthquake on the composition: Let us all in mourning

The morning of May 13, the author proposed in the classroom for the students all stand in the Sichuan earthquake victims a minute of silence, and I pray God Bless China. After school, students told reporters that the famous: he began to hear the news of the earthquake, but was shocked, but this time to stand and observe, then made him feel sad, or even have to cry that this is the first time in his life to stand and observe .

"Book of Rites," said: "People, human persons, propriety and justice also." Face of the victims, sympathy and condolences to the heart is important, but also need to be expressed through some form of etiquette to give those people the spirit of the disaster comfort and encouragement. In addition, the mourning rituals can not only enhance the atmosphere of sadness, but also can infect people, and to purify their hearts. In addition, it also tells the living: we only survivors of the disaster, and in the subsequent unpredictable natural disasters, we also may not survive!

There is no doubt that after the disaster first and most important point is that disaster relief. But the people directly involved in rescue and relief work are few, the vast majority of people, silence and memory, and donor activities may be the best participation. The face of the Sichuan earthquake disaster, so far, with a grand celebration on the network and social contribution activities in full swing in stark contrast, seems to have not seen or heard of any decent mourning and commemoration. This is known as the civilized countries of China and the reputation of some does not match ceremonies. Here, some other countries the practice when faced with disaster, perhaps we would have some inspiration.

A major disaster the government and its people far beyond the region's mental capacity and disaster relief, and they must become the backbone of the country and ambulance God. At this point, the flag often connect people and the country's emotional bonds. "9.11" incident, the United States almost every national flags, flags all grip. At the same time, the National not only successive days lowered to half mast for the dead, and after the 11 September each year, will be lowered to half to show the occasion. 2005 "Katrina" hurricane caused heavy casualties, the nation is also lowered to half mourning. The form of simple, but "I and the United States in the United States with me," The Spirit is not be underestimated.

In fact, the whole country lowered to half mourning the victims of major disasters has become an international practice. For example, former Russian President Vladimir Putin of Russia had ordered for the Beslan hostage-taking incidents and victims of plane crash in Chechnya lowered to half mast; 2004 Southeast Asian tsunami disaster, almost all Southeast Asian countries were lowered to half for the dead. It should be noted that a major disaster for other countries lowered to half the victims, there may evolve into an international communication etiquette. For example, the tsunami disaster in Southeast Asia, the United States and many European countries, had lowered to half for the dead.

Of course, more mourning ceremony and celebrations are organized spontaneously by the people. September 11, 2002, Pennsylvania, thousands of people spontaneously gathered in the Shanksville field on the ground a piece to commemorate the "9.11" anniversary. Only 11-year-old Mu Liya Whale Mirza presided over the ceremony, she said: "People can help a small way to the line of human charity. Even a hug, a kiss, a smile or a wave, prayer or To silence the people we love, which will allow people to feel happy, remember our unforgettable love. "

Yes, a little mourning or memorial ceremony is not only the general public was able to do, but also the best expression of fellow feeling and a good way to sorrow. Hope that the situation in Wenchuan verified, the government can issue a general order lowered to half mast for the dead. The most important is that each of us through their words and deeds to the dead silence and tell the people still suffering the disaster: no matter how great the suffering and hardships, we will be with you! 对应上文翻译

老师,您折断的翅膀在哪里? --献给汶川地震灾区英雄教师 这是令人震撼的悲壮场面。 当救援人员挖开废墟时,老师,您跪仆在地伸开双臂,像一双安全温暖的翅膀,护在学生们身上。他们活了下来,您却走了。救援人员含泪将您已经僵硬的双臂锯掉,才将孩子们救出。 “摘下我的翅膀,送给你飞翔”。老师,死亡来临时,您把生的希望无私地留给学生。当学生们重新沐浴在温暖的阳光下,您却成为折翼天使,在五月的天空悲怆坠落。 ——老师,您折断的翅膀在哪里? ——空旷的废墟长长哽咽:他张开的天使之翼,将生命传递给身下的学生,最终悄然折断,像永不磨灭的印记,烙在我们民族的记忆深处。 2008年5月12日14时28分,汶川大地震,一刹那,山崩地裂,日月无光。当巨大的混凝土楼板、横梁和墙体无情地砸向正在上课的师生,教师们采用了一种共同的姿势:伸开双臂护住学生。这种像天使一样展开翅膀、用血肉之躯为学生隔开死亡的姿势,在中华民族的记忆里 永恒定格: ——谭千秋,德阳市汉旺镇东汽中学教导主任,张开双臂趴在桌上,他的后脑被楼板砸得深深凹下去,但7a64e59b9ee7ad94333身下护着的学生却安然无恙。 ——张米亚,汶川县映秀镇小学老师,跪仆在废墟中,双臂紧紧搂着两个依然存活的学生,他紧抱着孩子的手臂已经僵硬。 ——汤鸿,什邡市红白镇中心学校老师,两只胳膊下各夹着一个孩子,身子下还护着几个。她的身体早已冰冷,但被她护住的几个孩子幸运地活了下来。 ——杜正香,平武县南坝小学老师,她趴在塌下的一根横梁下的瓦砾里,头朝着门的方向,一手拉着一个孩子,胸前还护着3个孩子。 走过汶川、北川、青川,走过什邡、绵竹、彭州等极重灾区,这样的教师太多,这样的英雄太多。人们汇流成河的每一颗晶莹泪水里,都闪耀着一位教师惊天地泣鬼神的悲壮和感动。 教师,这些像辛勤的蜜蜂一样生活清苦、工作勤奋的平凡群体,是什么让他们在这样的危急关头,迸发出如此伟大的力量? 是师德,师德在危难时刻迸射出夺人心魄的灿烂光芒! ——老师,您折断的翅膀在哪里? ——蓝色的帐篷风中作响:它在这里,它已化作千万名劫后余生的教师的言语,在对学生进行心理抚慰。 这些痛失亲人的老师,忍住巨大悲恸,轻轻拭去学生们脸颊的泪水。而他们自己汇成江河的血泪,却只能在心底无声奔流。这个世界上,是否还有比这丧失至亲、家破人亡更令人悲恸的事?是否还有比把这一切悲恸埋在心底、转而用微笑安慰别人更坚强的人? 德阳市东汽中学校长周德祥,在灾难中痛失爱妻和爱女,肝胆俱裂,灾后仍然没日没夜地坚持在抗震救灾第一线,安置无家可归的学生,安抚受伤人员,慰问遇难者家属。 都江堰聚源小学的老师们,和志愿者一起,通过做一些游戏,对学生进行心理辅导,帮助他们走出心理阴影。 汶川、北川、彭州、绵竹……在每个重灾区,安置学生的帐篷里,随处可见老师们忙碌的身影。他们对学生们嘘寒问暖,安慰说:“人在,一切都在,一切都会好起来的。” 德阳东汽中学的学生蒋琳劫后余生,大地震已经震碎了她对人生的希冀,但老师们对她的关怀和帮助,使她渐渐走出了心理阴影。她在日记中写道: “来到德阳三中以后,我们这些幸存的东汽学生在这个学校老师的帮助下,身心得到一些恢复。我对生活又多了一点信心,那被大地震震得死去的对生活的追求,在心中又有了气若游丝的飘移。” 几乎每位老师心底,都有一道汩汩流血的伤口。他们却强忍着悲恸,鼓励受伤的学生笑对人生和未来。这需要何等的坚强和勇敢!这是一种深入骨髓的坚韧和顽强,智慧和勇敢! 大智大勇的背后,是大爱。他们对学生的挚爱、对祖国教育事业的热爱,超越了人世间一切的悲怆和痛苦,在天地之间与历史长河中,书写下一段令人荡气回肠的英雄传奇。 ——老师,您折断的翅膀在哪里? ——板房教室前,鲜红国旗在风中猎猎作答:它在复课学生的琅琅书声中,在板房教室中闪动的一双双求知若渴的眼睛里。 千百年来,每次劫难都不能摧毁这片土地。生命就像顽强的种子,在巉岩峭壁的缝隙间、干涸荒寂的角落里,一有机会就向整个世界传达绿色的信息。不屈的师魂,穿过万古沧桑的长江黄河,越过混沌亿年的珠峰昆仑,在我们的血液里呐喊。 复课!复课!人在,一切都在。只要教育在继续前进,我们民族仍然前途光明! 灾后短短几天时间内,在大地震中戛然中断的读书声,在一顶顶帐篷里重新顽强地响起。 震后第二天,重灾区都江堰向峨乡海虹小学的简易帐篷里,令人欣喜地传出琅琅读书声,这是重灾区第一所复课的学校。这个学校4名老师垫资几千元,支起两口铁锅、3顶帐篷,办起了灾后“学习班”。 5月19日,绵阳市长虹培训中心,北川中学幸存的1500多名师生在帐篷和板房教室里异地复课了。当再次看到熟悉的北川中学牌匾高高竖立时,师生们再也控制不住自己的情绪,一个个泪流满面。 复课,复课,一切为了复课!在什邡市红白镇中心学校废墟约100米外,记者看到一面“共产党员救灾队”的旗帜,学校的十余名教师,在余震不断、山体滑坡、泥石流和疫情考验下,拖着疲倦的身躯坚强地战斗着。他们心中共存一个最大的愿望:让学生尽快回到课堂! 在重灾区德阳市黄许职业中专,除2幢楼加固后能用外,其余校舍都成了危房。黄许职业中专分批复课,分3个阶段进行。“这样的分时段复课,用残存的24间教室完成全校学生的复学复课,可以说是完成了一份不可能完成的任务。”校长汪朝金感慨地说。 这大概是世界上最凝聚人心的学校。工人、农民,城市、乡村,老人、孩子……都尽力捐款捐物,支持灾区学校重建,帮助灾区学生复课。 这大概是世界上最独特的教室。林间空隙里、学校操场上,新搭起的帐篷和简易板房,是学生们上课的场所。 这大概是世界上最令人感动的课堂。不少老师拖着残病之躯、缠着白色绷带,坚持给学生上课。有的地方教师不够,一些高年级学生就主动站出来,给弟弟妹妹们上课。 许多老师被埋在废墟下没有哭,但在复课这一刻,他们流泪了。北川中学一位教师说:“学生们能像往常那样快乐学习、健康成长,这是我们当老师的最大心愿。” 老师们的心愿就这么朴实而深情。他们就像坚韧不屈的竹子,为了祖国的下一代,竹子砍了,还有竹根,只要春风一来,漫山遍野映衬一片蓝天的,依然是平凡而伟大、朴素而坚韧的竹海。




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