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roman feuilleton no doubt translated from some silly novel by Ponson d


The Mayan prophecy of the end of the world has not yet arrived, designers have ahead of time for the world to outline a blueprint for the development of an extremely advanced and prosperous future.


Driving a car ride in the future urban criss crossing the track, looking at the trackside lifelike moving MOE state full of robot, looking at the sky to draw arc flashes of the charm of many aircraft, you will be on the future of the world science and technology development level of clap WOW!


Track next to the building towers into the clouds, the modelling is strange, let you suddenly exposed to the sky, apotheosis sense of the full, so you have to submit to future engineers superb artistry.


, of course, the most innovative of also Deshu designers specifically for the future planning loop. It not only saving the city land, but also give players a transcendent experience. When you see photoelectric display loop road, be sure to do ever bent to Oh, so as to achieve the perfect cross, the full enjoyment of big arc brings you stunning centrifugal force pleasure.


And the last section of the track linking the next city river at both ends of the high-speed bridge is also novel and incomparable. High speed bridge is a transition zone, the transition zone, the car can be achieved through the fast lane change, and the blue section of the channel, the car will have a great improvement in speed. High speed on the bridge and scattered acceleration bands for the speed of the car, the cool of the photoelectric effect is dazzing extraordinary, whether you also wonder in future urban highly developed science and technology level.

A Day of life in 2040

It is seven o’e69da5e6ba90e79fa5e98193363clock in the morning when I wake up on April 4,2040. My wife is still sleeping. I hurry up for I have an important meeting at nine o’clock in Tianjin. I tell my Robot to prepare the breakfast, and I go to take a shower. When I come out of the bathroom, my breakfast is ready on the dining table. I eat the food and feel that I still prefer my wife’s cooking to the Robot’s. I wish she could teach our Robot how to cook better.

At seven thirty, I walk out of my home and pull out my office type Shanghai. I set the destination and the arriving time, and then begin to work for the meeting. The traffic has changed beyond people’s imagination. You no longer have to worry about traffic jams or accidents though on the highway you see no traffic lights or police. Cars which are going at 180 kilometers an hour are all computer-programmed.

It's so easy for us to work and to live.


  • 关于未来世界的英语作文

  • 158文章网作文欣赏
  • roman feuilleton no doubt translated from some silly novel by Ponson d玛雅文明预言的世界末日还没到来,设计师们却提前为世界勾勒出一张极度先进繁荣的未来发展蓝图。The Mayan prophecy of the end of th


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