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Communicate: Improve Your Relationships With Effective Communication Skills

  Conflict in a relationship is virtually inevitable. In itself, conflict isn’e799bee5baa6e4b893e5b19e335t a problem; how it’s handled, however, can bring people together or tear them apart. Poor communication skills, disagreements and misunderstandings can be a source of anger and distance, or a springboard to a stronger relationship and happier future. Next time you’re dealing with conflict, keep these tips on effective communication skills in mind and you can create a more positive outcome.
  Step 1.Stay Focused:Try not to bring up past hurts or other topics. Stay focused on the present, your feelings, understanding one another and finding a solution.
  Step 2.Listen Carefully: People often think they’re listening, but are really thinking about what they’re going to say next when the other person stops talking. Truly effective communication goes both ways.
  Step 3.Try To See Their Point of View: In a conflict, most of us primarily want to feel heard and understood. We talk a lot about our point of view to get the other person to see things our way.
  Step 4.Respond to Criticism with Empathy: When someone comes at you with criticism, it’s easy to feel that they’re wrong, and get defensive. Just try to look for what’s true in what they’re saying; that can be valuable information for you.
  Remember that the goal of effective communication skills should be mutual understanding and finding a solution that pleases both parties, not ‘winning’ the argument or ‘being right’.
  That's it! Thanks for you attention.

我是个喜欢小动物的女孩,11岁那年,爸爸妈妈送给了我一只可爱的小猫,我可高兴了!可是不管我怎么呼唤,小猫都只是躲在床底下,不肯出来。 不知过了多久,小猫似乎是饿了,慢慢地从床里爬出来,用小舌头去舔盘子里的牛奶。正巧被我看到了,我害怕惊到它,就在一边默默的看着它。过了不久,小猫吃饱了,从小碟zd前移开,东看看西瞧瞧,似乎是在熟悉这个新家。忽然,它看见了爬在窗台上的我,连连后退了几步,用疑惑的目光瞅着我,目光里闪过一丝恐惧。我不忍心惊动它就悄悄地离开。 过了一会,我实在太好奇了,就悄悄打开门,装着不在意的样子,蹲在小猫面前,向它投去了一个鼓励和信任的目光。这似乎给了小猫莫大的鼓舞,它尝试地向前走了几步,见我没有伤害它的意思,便大胆起来:它一会蹭蹭这,一会抓抓那,就像自己的家一样。 这时,我伸出手,轻轻抚摸着小猫那柔顺的皮毛,小猫先是一颤,随后就平静下来,任凭我抚摸。就在这时,我突然有一种自豪感,不,应该是喜悦感,因为,我和小猫做了一次心灵上的沟通,我终于明白了沟通的的前提,那就是信任。也体会信赖创造出美好的境界。

Communication plays a significant role in our daily life, especially in modern society. Since we get along with other people in every field, we must learn how to communicate with people effectively.

Effective communication should be planned carefully. First, speak slowly and briefly in order to make ourselves understood completely. Second, express ourselves in all sincerity and with warmth. Third, concentrate on what the speaker says and appreciate his point of view. Moreover, we should give positive feedback by nodding or smiling while listening. Fourth, place ourselves in the place of others.

As far as I'm concerned, I communicate with other people in a positive way whether I'm in a merry mood or not. And I often express my own opinion genuinely and sincerely.





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