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Section A
1.place 2. if it had never been heard before 3. 答案不详4. what you did. 5.discussion 6. A common mistake 7. In reality 8. that you obtained 9.Attention 10.Undertaking of project in lack
Section B and C
1-5 CBAAA 6-10 BBAAA
11-15 CACDA 16-20 DCB19自选B
21-25 BDD24自选B 26-30 CCDDD
General knowledge
31-35 DBACD 36-40 BCDCA
1.the改a 2. passd改based 3. their改his 4. it去掉 5. therefore 改however 6. the 去掉7. 答案不详8.答案不祥 9.live改alive 10. to 去掉
翻 译
Cell phone has altered human relations. There is usually a note on the door of conference room, which reads “close your handset|.” However, the rings are still resounding in the room. We are all common people and has few urgencies to do. Still, we are reluctant to turn off the phone. Cell phone symbolizes our connection with the world and reflects our “thirst for socialization.” We are familiar with the scene when a person stops his steps to edit short messages with eyes glued at his phone, disregard of his location, whether in road center or beside restroom.
我们人类,正面临全球性的危机,我们的生存和文明受到威胁。尽管我们聚在一起共商对策,而灾难却在扩大,形式不容乐观。但也有令人欣 喜的消息:如果行动大胆果断,反应迅速,我们有能力解决这场危机,避免其向最坏的方向发展。
但是,时下世界上的许多国家领导人可以用当年温斯顿·丘吉尔批评欧洲诸政要忽视阿道夫·希特勒的名言来形容,“它们在奇怪的悖论中前 行,仅仅为一个决定而犹豫不决,有了决心却拖泥带水,信心犹疑不定,见解随波逐流,掌权者虚弱无力。”
而如今我们向这个星球脆弱的大气层倾倒超过七千万吨温室气体,把其当作天然e69da5e887aae79fa5e98193336排污口。明天我们还会变本加厉,堆积的温室气体吸纳了越来 越多的太阳热度。
作 文
China's State Administration of Radio Film and Television (SARFT) recently issued a notice banning domestic radio and TV stations from translating foreign radio and TV programmes into any local dialect. The notice said that such dialect translation contradicts the national initiative to promote Putonghua, or Mandarin, around the country. Foreign programmes that have been translated into dialects must be removed from television and radio immediately. The notice evoked a mixed response from experts and audio and video producers, as well as the general public. Many voiced their concerns that local dialects would be fornidden in public places. Mandarian, which means “common language”, is the country's predominant language and is widely used by more than 70 percent of the population. However, local dialects still enjoy pupularity for relatively less-educated people in some occasions. The dialects do make unique role and should be tolerated for existence in public places.
Though promoted widely in public places, dialects are acceptable in public places. First, it is more than a mere tool for communication. It is, most importantly, the messenger of its respective culture. If the dialect was eliminated from daily use, the culture will be broken. Second, Mandarian can absorb the elit part of local dialect to enrich its vovabulary and usuge. This is the perfection of Mandartian from thousands of years blend and contact. The dialects can also be popular in the public. Along with the famous short play by comic actors in NE China, the local dialect came into the splotlight, and enjoyed more pupulatity throughout China. Such a cultural phenomenon represents the audience an attitude to local dialects which cater to the taste of the majority. Third, dialect is the only mean of communication to some undereducated local people. If local dialects are fobbiden in the public places, they can not communicate.
To sum up, local dialects should be tolerated in public places for its unique role which Mandarian can not substitute. We should guartee its survival because dialects stand for our spiritual land. From a long-term perspective, dialects should not and would not be wiped out. There is no need for any purposeful and deliberate attempt to protect dialects. Just let dialects take their natural course. The best way to protect a dialect is to use it in daily life and pass it down from generation to generation



Mandarin, or putonghua, is the standard service sector language in our country. But recently, employees at a big city's subway station have been busy learning dialects of other parts of the country. Proponents say that using dialects in the subway is a way to provide better service. But opponents think that encouraging the use of dialects in public counters the national policy to promote putonghua. What is your opinion? Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic:

Are Dialects Just as Acceptable in Public Places?

In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second partyou should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring
what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.

Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow
the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

Write your essay on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.



  • 2009英语专八作文

  • 158文章网作文写作
  • 作文 不偏题 严格按照5段论 没重大语法错误 12翻译时10左右不是的,答题卡是分开的听力ectionA1. Perfection 2 acceptabie 3 the basic intention 4unpeasantiy 5bad things 6win or lose 7the normai


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