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Guizhou batik, is a long history of national traditional arts and crafts. The so-called batik is the wax painting and dyeing two processes referred to. Guizhou Anshun batik production of the most famous, Anshun batik pattern detail, rich color.

Beijing (Běijī7a64e58685e5aeb9334ng) is the capital of the People's Republic of China's four municipalities directly under the central one of the central, national political, cultural and international exchange center. Beijing is located in the northern end of the North China Plain, south-east and some areas of Tianjin and linked to the rest of the surrounding Hebei Province. Beijing for China's second largest city, but also China's total air traffic hub of the most important domestic and international exchange center. Beijing has successfully hosted the 2008 Beijing Olympics.
Beijing has more than 3,000 years of history and 850 years of history of capital, is the world's historical and cultural city and one of the ancient capital of China's four. Its geographical position, the All-China political center is an ideal location. As early as 70 years ago, the Beijing Zhoukoudian area on the emergence of a primitive community of "Peking Man" was first seen in Beijing recorded in the name of "thistle."
Only a very small number of global cities like Beijing as long as a country's political and cultural center. "Encyclopedia Britannica" Beijing will be described as "One of the world's great cities" (the world's great cities), and asserted that "the city in the history of China is the most important component. In China over the past eight Century, regardless of whether a long history, Beijing almost all major construction has an indelible national and historical significance. " Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven, Summer Palace, Beihai, etc. There are numerous monuments for the city to add more gorgeous colors.
Today's Beijing, has developed into a modern international metropolis: Financial Street has long been China's real financial management; Beijing Central Business District Beijing is opening to the outside world and a symbol of economic strength. In addition, the Chinese National Grand Theater, Beijing Capital International Airport Terminal 3, China Central Television headquarters building, the "bird's nest" of the new building has become a modern symbol of Beijing. Walk in the Beijing Hutong alleys between the colored race in the world you can see. Beijing is also the oldest of its stylish new look to welcome each of 20,000,000 passengers near.

Beijing has a history of over 3,000 years with a population of nearly 13 million and a lot of places of interest around it.In recent years,the city of Beijing has been advancing very quickly.You can see more museums,parks an shopping centers here and there.More and more highways and overhead walkways have been built up.What's more,a lot more buses which burn cleaner fuel,such as CNG or LPG,are put into use,to prevent air from being polluted




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