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My best friend
my best friend is XX,he is tall and good-looking.he works hard in study and have a lot of hobbies,like playing basketball and tennis,he is especially good at basketball and his idol is Kobe Bryant.He is also a good boy who is always ready to help those in need.We all like him!
我最好的朋友是 XX、 他个子和良好 looking.he 工程硬的研究有很多爱好,喜欢打篮球和网球、 他是特别擅长打篮球和他的偶像是神户 Bryant.He 也是一个很好的男孩总是乐于帮助那些需要帮助的人.我们都很喜欢他 !
I have a good friend.He name is mary.Heis a boy.He has
shorthair and black hair..He is a good student.He like helping pople.Helikes playing football best.He likes sports .He is strong.
短毛和黑色的头发..他是个好学生.他喜欢帮助波普尔.Helikes 最佳踢足球.他喜欢体育.他很强.
My best friend is my classmate Jack.We have been good frieds since we entered the same class.Jack is a very interedting boy and also very kind hearted.He studies very hard and always gets the top score in my class.When we have difficulties in learning English or maths,he is always happy to help us.
He is very handsome and tall.So his hobby is playing basketball.He is the best basketball player of our school.
I like him so much and hope our friendship will last for ever.

I have a good friend named Yang Jing, is my third grade best friend.
Zhang her charming eyes, under the eyes with long cherry mouth, as well as a round little face.
In class she was the cutest. We call her 'little cute'.
She's a first-class learning expert. She not only learn better, man, writing beautiful.
This is my friend 'little cute'.
【My friend 】
I am convinced that making friend plays a leading role in our life, which there are good friend and bad friend.

To my way thanking,not simply
can good friends broaden our horizon but likewise dissuade us from doing evil things; on the other hand, bad friend may make us fall into bad habits. To my best friend,Lucy, for instance. She has been to a number of countries, so she is used to sharing her experience with us. According to her, I obtain much information and knowledge regrading to cultures and customs of other countries. On the contrary, one of my bad friend, Zeref, continually persuades me into breaking school regulations. In my opinion, he is neither honest nor true.

Both good friends and bad friends have a great influence on us. The former lead a helping hand when we are in trouble; the latter may kick us when we're down. For example, the instant I needed help, Lucy did her level best to aid me. Nevertheless, Zeref didn't give me any piece of advice and spoke ill of me behind my back sometimes. As a result, I would rather get acquainted with those who are kind-herted, upright, and generous than get along with those who are mean, selfish, and stinky. Only when we make the most of our instant can we make good friends.

On the whole, we cannot stress the importance of making good friends too much.







My friend is a boy.
He is very tall and handsome.
He likes singing ,dancing and lots of sport.
He has a sister and a brother.
He always play football with his classmates and they always enjoy themself.
He also is very helpful and polite.
I have a good friend.She is a pretty girl.She lives in Jiujiang.She is a middle school student.She has big eyes,a small mouth,a small nose and a round face.She is tall and thin.She likes watching TV and playing the basketball.On the weekend,she always plays basketball with her friends in the afternoon and watches TV in the evening.
She is a good student.She is good at English.She likes speaking in English.She always reports news in English in her school.
She says we are good friends.We send e-mails to each other everyday.I like her very much.


  • 我的好朋友作文英文

  • 158文章网作文欣赏
  • My best friend1.my best friend is XX,he is tall and good-looking.he works hard in study and have a lot of hobbies,like playing basketball and tennis,h


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