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I‘m glad that you can see my application letter.
Now,I'm going to introduce myself.My name's **.I'm a girl(boy) of **years old.And I'm a high school student now.I regard myself as a very excellent student,and it's really the fact.i always get higher scores than others in my class.Especially , i love English and that makes my English level is relatively high.I do well in oral English and typing. Meanwhile,i'm not a machine for studying,i also have many extra hobbies such as listening to music,reading,sports.And i love playing basketball and football the most ,which makes me stronger and far from desease.In my daily life,i'm a very outgoing and approachable.Everyone likes to playing with me.
Eventually ,i'd like to say that if i'm hired and i will never let you down.Thank you!

Distinguished leadership:
Hello!e79fa5e98193e58685e5aeb9361 Thank you for your sincere in his busy schedule, I read this material, and wish your organization the cause of prosperity and bright future!
I studied public enterprise management, but the comparison is more like hotel management. Into the community, I have just come into contact with the hotel management was deeply attracted to after work in the hotel industry, continue to draw the relevant work experience, has accumulated a certain amount of hotel management experience, I found that this is what I want to do The. Although Lu Buping more rugged, but after all, to find love and is therefore suitable for their work is not easy. So I was very lucky.

Hotel is to bring people comfort and pleasure, the kind of environment and atmosphere that I long for, and engaged in the provision of all the hotel management will be proud and satisfied. The hotel industry is a dynamic and promising sector, especially in the domestic hotel high-speed growth of foreign investment into China one after another hotel, the hotel industry to make more full of opportunities and challenges. I am determined to put its own hotel management as a career to do, so your corporate job candidates, in the hope that the industry has a very good development.

Since the hotel has chosen me to endure hardship to do a good job of preparation, you want to start from the grass-roots level, the hotel itself with the continuous development may be raised step by step.

Thank you for reading this letter and consider my request candidates, and hope to have the honor to interview you, look forward to your response!


  • 酒店英文求职信

  • 158文章网作文欣赏
  • I‘m glad that you can see my application letter. Now,Im going to introduce myself.My names **.Im a girl(boy) of **years old.And Im a high school st


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