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During the SARS period in this spring, the year of 2003, one of my classmates, Li ming, was struck down by the virus and was immediately sent to hospital.
The news spread quickly on campus. At first, we were terrified and wondered if we were infected too. However, through our government's publicity on mass media, we gradually conquered the fear and set out to try out best to help her. Some teachers provided darly necessities while some students recorded the English class contents for him so that Li ming could not be left behind. With our care and concern, Li ming recovered quickly.
Such an incident teaches us a good moral. Our society is full of love, warm and peaceful, in which people-from man to woman, from individual to individual-lend others a hand. Just like a famous song goes, "the world will turn it to heaven only if everyone contributes a little." and I do believe that it's my great honor to live in this love-filled paradise!e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e78988e69d83364

The Expo will be hold in Shanghai. As we know, the most important to Shanghainese is to know how to show more care for others. As a student, we should smile to everyone and help someone those who is in trouble. When we are on a bus, see an old man who has no seat and we should stand up and offer the seat to him. We should help the blind to cross the road safely. Caring for others is a small thing. Although it is small, it is very important.

“The roses in her hand, the favor in mine.” In our daily life, it is full of love. If everyone knows how to caring for others, the world will become more glorious
Take Care For Others
People hold different opinions about relationship between each other.In my opinion,we should take more care for others to build up a sound and harmony relationship.More care for others brings love to the world.In 2008,there was a serious earthquake in SiChuan and thousands of people were made victims and homeless in an instant.But at that moment,the whole country went into action immediately.The PLA rished their lives to save the victims.Groups of volunteers rushed to the disaster areas to give relief.The Party and the government made every effort to help those in the disaster areas to get over the difficulties.We all show love towards the unfortunate and then SiChuan get rid of the difficulty.

On the other hand we can’t take more care for others so as to get some rewards.Each should give others whatever help he can when they need it regardless of self-benefit.However,to do this needs a moral soul and it’s not so easy to get such top level.But we should act as possible as we can.Let’s be unself-fish to show our loves to others and make the world warmer and warmer
人持不同的观点对彼此关系…依我看,我们应该多关心别人建立健全与和谐关系更多的关心他人的爱给世界带来了2008年,出现了严重的地震发生在四川省,成千上万的人是受害者和无家可归的人在瞬间但就在那一刻,整个国家立即投入战斗中国人民解放军rished生命拯救了受害者的. 组织的志愿者奔赴灾区给救援党和政府竭尽全力帮助那些在灾区克服这些困难我们所有的不幸而爱心,然后四川摆脱困境。



  • 关爱他人的英语作文100字

  • 158文章网作文欣赏
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