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Dear Tom,
  I can understand how you feel.When I was young,I had the same experience as you do.I often with parents fight for my studies.But after I talked with my parents heart to heart,we had a better understanding of each other.So try to communicate with your parents to let them know that you are wise enough to manage your own business well.To understand them better,always put yourself in their position.Don’t you think that all parents in the world love their children even though they are sometimes strict and serious If you can spend your time and money more wisely,I’m sure that your parents will trust you and you will enjoy more freedom.
  By the way,it’s understandable that your parents ask you to put your studies in the first place.
  I hope my advice is of some help to you .

My Marie Curie (1867-1934) French nationality Polish scientists to study the phenomenon of radioactive found radium and polonium two radioelement, twice the life of Nobel Prize. As a distinguished scientist, the wife of a general lack of social scientists. Especially when successful female pioneer, and her example inspired many people. Many people have heard of her in childhood by the stories but is a more simplified and incomplete impression. My understanding of the world. In 1937 followed by a woman published biography "wife" (Madame Curie). This book beautify the greatest life, the life she encountered setbacks are dull to deal with. American Biographical writers Ms. Susan Huang (Susan Quinn) spent seven years, the collection includes Curie family members and friends did not have an open diary and biography information. Last published book : "Maria Curie : her life" (Maria Curie : A Life), for her hard work and bitter struggle of life and painted a more detailed and in-depth images. Marie : two great scientists Nobel prize The history of science in the world, Mary Curie is a forever immortal name. The great women scientists, with their hard work and talents in the field of physics and chemistry, have made outstanding contributions and thus become the only one in two different disciplines, two Nobel Prize scientists.


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