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My Weekends
I had a busy weekends.On Satureday morning,I went to the park with my best friend.On Satureday afternoon,I visited my grandparents.And I had dinner with them.On Sunday morning,I did my homework.It's very difficult.I didn't finish it until 11:30.And I played sports in the afternoon.
Look,this is my weekends.

I want to be a farmer in the weekends.To be a farmer is a good job.If I'm an English farmer,I can help my students with their English.I will be very friendly to my students.We can help each other.
Hi, this is Lisa. I am going to have a busy weekend.
On Saturday, I’m going to do my homework first. Then I’m going to buy a book about Harry Potter. It’s my favorite book. I have a lot of posters of Harry Potter.
After lunch, I’m going to visit my grandparents and play with my cousins, Dennis and Alice. They are outgoing. Dennis likes singing very much. Alice likes drawing pictures. We often play hide-and-seek together.
In the evening, I’ll help my mom clean the house. I like helping my mom with the housework. My mom always says I am a good girl. After that, I am going to read the new book. That will be fun.
On Sunday, I am going to the stamp show. I like collecting stamps. I have got 150 stamps.
What about you? What are you going to do on the weekend? Can you tell me, please?

My Weekend Today is Saturday and I have to do my homework first in the morning. After that, I will go to the park and play with my friends there in the afternoon. We will have a good time there! Do you believe?我的周末,




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