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关于昆虫的英语文章 急求!



The insect is a number of the nuture,they lives in the grassyland or the tree.we should protect them because they are important for ourselves.译文:昆虫是大自然中的一员,它们7a686964616fe59b9ee7ad94332生活在草地里或者树上.我们应该保护它们因为它们对我们来说很重要.

Butterflies are a kind of beautiful animal.They are very colorful.The color of them are red,pink,blueand so on.I like them because they are a part of the natural.Thank you!

Cockroaches are insects of the order Blattaria or Blattodea,of which about 30 species out of 4,500 total are associated with human habitations.About four species are well known as pests.[1][2]
Among the best-known pest species are the American cockroach,Periplaneta americana,which is about 30 millimetres (1.2 in) long,the German cockroach,Blattella germanica,about 15 millimetres (0.59 in) long,the Asian cockroach,Blattella asahinai,also about 15 millimetres (0.59 in) in length,and the Oriental cockroach,Blatta orientalis,about 25 millimetres (0.98 in).Tropical cockroaches are often much bigger,and extinct cockroach relatives and 'roachoids' such as the Carboniferous Archimylacris and the Permian Apthoroblattina were not as large as the biggest modern species

Lepidoptera Life Cycles

The life cycle of Lepidoptera (butterflies, skippers, and moths) consists of four distinct stages: egg, larva (caterpillar), pupa (chrysalis or cocoon) and adult.

The butterfly, skipper or moth begins life as a tiny egg. Females lay their eggs on specific plants (called host plants or food plants) that serve as food for the next stage, the caterpillar.

Within several days, a caterpillar (or larva) chews its way out of the egg. Caterpillars spend their life eating - increasing their weight more thasn 3000 times. As it grows, the caterpillar molts, or sheds its exoskeleton, 4-5 times.

After several weeks the caterpillar prepares to enter the pupal stage. The butterflies attach themselves to a firm support, shed their exoskeleton and become a chrysalis. Moth and skipper caterpillars cover themselves with silk (forming a protective cocoon), shed their exoskeleton and pupate. The chrysalis stage may last several weeks -- during which time the body of the caterpillar is broken down and slowly reformed into the body of an adult butterfly. The pupae inside the cocoons of moths generally spend the winter in the cocoon before completing their transformation the following spring.

The new adult emerges from the chrysalis or cocoon with soft, wrinkled wings. Fluid and blood from ther bosy are pumped intot he wings., inflating them to their full size. After the wings inflate and harden (a process that generally takes several hours) the adult butterfly or moth is able to fly and begin its search for food and/or a mate.




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