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My Favourite TV Programme
Nowadays the 26th Olympic Games are being held in AtLanta. It is the most popular program all over the world and also my favourite progamme.
In 1992 I was watching the 25th Olympic Games on TV with my schoolmates in China. We cheered at every success the Chinese athelets had. As the Chinese national flag was rising and the national anthem ringing in my ears I was moved to tears just as the medalists. It is the happiest moment for them and for me. I am proud of being a Chinese.
Now that I am in America, things are different. I am so near to the games yet so far away emotionally from those watching around lite. Whenever the Chinese made a mistake, the Americans cheered, which angered me greatly. Each country wants every gold medal. That is understandable. The problem is that they have so much prejudice against our motherland.
I admired Wang Yifu's courage and stamina. He lost his gold medal because of his illness. As soon as he regretfully put down his gun, he fell unconscious and was earried away on a stretcher.
Mo Huilen also lost her gold medal painfully. The young girl was not satisfied with a silver and braved for the gold at the risk of losing it. She showed the true spirit of sportsmanship. I sing in praise of them even if they lose. In my opinion we should praetice what we preach and stick to the Olympic creed that the most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought wen.

Nowadays the 26th Olympic Games are being held in AtLanta. It is the most popular program all over the world and also my favourite progamme.
In 1992 I was watching the 25th Olympic Games on TV with my schoolmates in China. We cheered at every success the Chinese athelets had. As the Chinese national flag was rising and the national anthem ringing in my ears I was moved to tears just as the medalists. It is the happiest moment for them and for me. I am proud of being a Chinese.
Now that I am in America, things are different. I am so near to the games yet so far away emotionally from those watching around lite. Whenever the Chinese made a mistake, the Americans cheered, which angered me greatly. Each country wants every gold medal. That is understandable. The problem is that they have so much prejudice against our motherland.
I admired Wang Yifu's courage and stamina. He lost his gold medal because of his illness. As soon as he regretfully put down his gun, he fell unconscious and was earried away on a stretcher.
Mo Huilen also lost her gold medal painfully. The young girl was not s




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  • 158文章网作文欣赏
  • My Favourite TV Programme Nowadays the 26th Olympic Games are being held in AtLanta. It is the most popular program all over the world and also my


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