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大学英语考试是一项大规模标准化考试,是一个“标准关联的常模参照测验”。大学英语四、六级考试作为一项全国性的教学考试由“国家教育部高教司”主办,分为四级考试(CET-4) 和六级考试(CET-6),每年各举行两次,分别在同一天的上午和下午进行。











  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Immoral Behaviors in Public. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:
  1. 我们经常在公共场合见到各种不文明的行为,叙述你的一次相关经历;
  2. 这些不文明行为会有哪些影响;
  3. 我们应该怎样改善这种现象。
  Immoral Behaviors in Public
  We have all seen or experienced it before---those inappropriate and often unsanitary actions which disgust and annoy most cultured people in society. Spitting, littering, peeing in public - all these and others fall into this category. I personally had the embarrassing experience one late night of seeing a man peeing alongside the river. He was not embarrassed at all.
  Such inappropriate public behavior has a terrible effect on society. For one thing, most unsanitary behavior can spread germs and diseases to the general public. For another, they contribute to the pollution of the environment and show little or no consideration for the environment.
  We must take steps as a society to improve this situation. Our government should sponsorpublic announcements and advertisements to emphasize the cultural inappropriateness of this kind of behaviors. Our schools and teachers should teach and enforce acceptable standards for all students. And in the home, parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles should all work together to teach the children what is right by example.
  In this part, you are to write a composition of no less than 150 words about “College Graduates Work as Village Officials”. You should write according to the outline given below. Please remember to write it clearly on the ANSWER SHEET.
  Some college graduates choose to work as village officials.
  1. Do you think it is a good idea?
  2. What can they offer the countryside?
  3. What can they gain from their village positions?
  Nowadays, there is a growing tendency that college graduates in mounting numbers choose to work as village officials after graduation. People’s attitudes towards this phenomenon differ sharply. Some hold the positive view while others are against it. From my perspective, I believe that it is a wise choice.
  The reason why I support them can be listed as follows: on the one hand, college graduates can contribute a lot to the development of the countryside. Firstly, having received formal education and professional training in universities, college graduates can help peasants master advanced technology. Besides, by spreading and introducing new concepts, they can also accelerate the development of rural culture. Consequently, the gap between the city and the countryside can be gradually narrowed. On the other hand, college graduates themselves can also benefit a lot from being village officials. In the first place, working in rural areas with adverse environmental condition and lower living standard, they are more likely to foster a spirit of hard-working and independence. Moreover, compared with their peers competing for limited positions, those who work as village officials enjoy more opportunities and are more likely to bring their abilities and potential into full play.
  Therefore, it is a win-win choice for college graduates to work as village officials and more graduates should be encouraged to work in the countryside. (220 words)

  College Students and Luxuries
  1. 现在不少大学生都拥有奢侈品
  2. 大学生获得奢侈品的途径有……
  3. 我认为……
  College Students and Luxuries
  Walking on the campus, you’ll find luxuries are not far away for students. Some wear CK clothes and some carry LV bags. According to an online survey conducted by Tencent in May this year, there are 37 percent students claiming to have a certain luxury.
  On the basis of the survey, the way of obtaining luxuries is quite different. Some students get them from their parents, as their families are in good financial condition. Some take part-time jobs to buy luxuries by themselves. For example, a college student named Xiao Mei said she worked as a tutor for three months in order to get a bottle of Dior perfume. Some receive luxuries as a gift from their friends or relatives.
  As for me, I object to students' using luxuries. It is known that luxuries are notable for their super prices. However, students are not economically independent and their attention should be paid to study. In this sense, using luxuries is improper for students.
  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic A Curse Can Be a Blessing in Disguise . You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.
  A Curse Can Be a Blessing in Disguise
  A famous saying goes that “A curse can be a blessing in disguise”. Simple as the saying is, its meaning is profound and thought-provoking. Evidently, it is meant to tell us that unfavorable conditions can one day prove to be favorable ones ant that we should not be indulged in depression after we have met setbacks.
  Actually, history abounds with examples to prove this saying. Taking a look around, we can also find examples too many to enumerate. Here I can think of no better illustration of the proverb than the experience of my own. Though performing well enough in the college entrance exam, I was only provided with the opportunity to enroll in a second-class university. However, I did not lose my heart. Instead, I found the remoteness and quietness of the campus a favorable condition for my study. In terms of English, I have passed CET-4 with a high score. Now I believe I can do the same with my CET-6.
  Bringing what has been discussed into a conclusion, we may say that a curse can also turn into a blessing. So, one should not indulge himself in bitterness and complaint after he meets setbacks. What he really has to do is to seek opportunities and turn adversities into favorable conditions. In a word, we should truly understand the profound meaning of the proverb and take the right actions in our life and work in the future.
  Disrupting My Comfort Zone
  I was 45 years old when I decided to learn how to surf. They say that life is tough enough. But I guess I like to make things difficult on myself, because I do that all the time, every day and on purpose. That's because I believe in disrupting my comfort zone. When I started out in the entertainment business, I made a list of people that I thought would be good to me. Not people who could give me a job or a deal, but people who could shake me up, teach me something, challenge my ideas about myself and the world. So I started calling up experts in all kinds of fields. Some of them were world-famous. Of course, I didn't know any of these people and none of them knew me.
  So when I called these people up to ask them for a meeting, the response wasn't always friendly.
  And even when they agreed to give me some of their time, the results weren't always what one might describe as pleasant. Take, for example, Edward Teller, the father of the hydrogen bomb. It took me a year of begging and more begging to get to him to agree to meet with me. And then what happened? He ridiculed me and insulted me.But that was okay. I was hoping to learn something from him—and I did, even if it was only that I'm not that interesting to a physicist with no taste for our pop culture. Over the last 30 years, I've produced more than 50 movies and 20 television series. I'm successful and, in my business, pretty well known. So why do I continue to subject myself to this sort of thing? The answer is simple: Disrupting my comfort zone, bombarding myself with challenging people and situations —this is the best way that I know to keep growing. And to paraphrase a biologist I once met, if you're not growing, you're dying. So maybe I'm not the best surfer on the north shore, but that's okay. The discomfort, the uncertainty, the physical and mental challenge that I get from this—all the things that too many of us spend our time and energy trying to avoid—they are precisely the things that keep me in the game.
When their friends call police and finally realize that it is a joke

1.Many people enjoy the city life since it is more exciting and convenient. Besides, people in city have more opportunities to be educated and well- informed. In a city, one can always go to the new shows or latest movies. And city people can easily visit other parts of the world with modern transportation facilities. The country, however, has attraction of its own. People are close to nature and enjoys quiet and gentle pace of life. In addition, country people have the advantage of knowing that there is always someone who is ready to give a hand to those in trouble and danger. As the popular saying goes, “Every coin has two sides.” Both the city and the country have disadvantages too. City residents suffer a great deal from public hazards like noise and air pollution. And country dwellers have to go far to the nearest town to do some shopping. As far as I’m concerned, I like both. I hope I can find a good job and make a successful career in a big city when I am young, and I could enjoy a peaceful and leisure life in the country when I retire in the future.


2.2、农民工进城Farmers Rushing into Cities

Today we can see farmers doing various jobs in every city. When more and more towns and factories are built in the countryside, farmers’ field is reducing and they couldn’t stay home any longer to cultivate the land. Most young farmers are attracted by the colorful city life and they want to pursue a promising future in big cities. Since farmers can provide various services in the cities, they have greatly promoted the economic development there. But disadvantages also exist. It seems that nobody is in charge of those farmers’ life in cities. Their lack of education also brings forth some criminals. I think farmers’ working in cities is a good tendency. It has solved the problem of surplus labor in the countryside and enriched the labor market in the cities. However, some measures should be taken to make this perfect. For example,, some special officials should be put in charge of the farmers’ life and work in cities. Besides, the concept of obeying law should be reinforced in the farmers’ minds.




1、时装 Fashion

A populous saying goes like this: Clothes make the man. In other words, clothes show age, outlook, status, and income. However, clothes that look great on professional models may look terrible on the average buyer. Nowadays some college students like to go after fashion. They are generous to pay big money if they find some attractive or sexy clothes. In my opinion, beautiful clothes don’t help physically. Expensive clothes only make the buyer be proud of belonging to a high status group. In essence, we buy an image of success instead of perfect clothing. Therefore, fashion helps people to build a public image. But in most cases, public image is not reliable. As students, we should not always follow the fashion, which may lead us to the wrong way.



2、养宠物 Raising Pets

A pet is an animal kept by a person as a companion. Recently, more and more people, senior ones in particular, like to enjoy the company of tame animals. After the production of such Disney movies as Carfield and Finding Nemo, people put more attention and love in animals. Animals are more likely to be treated as good friends or even as members of the family. Pets are affectionate. They are obedient to their masters. They appreciate the care given to them and seem to know how to express their thanks. Whatever happens, they always remain loyal to their masters. Although they sometimes play mischief, they are innocent and even childish. This makes them all the more lovely. Moreover, trained pets are very helpful. To raise a pet is a good choice to kill loneliness and sadness. But one should obey some laws if he/she decides to raise a pet. In addition, one has to make sure that the pet does not interfere with other’s life.




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