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  My favorite city in the world is Auckland,New Zealand.It is one of the world's best cities for living,also known as the "City of Sails" and the Queen City.There are many harbors,beaches,oceans and mountains,among which is the famous Rangitoto volcano.
  If you like history,you can visit the Auckland Museum,the Auckland War Memorial Museum,the New Zealand National Maritime Museum and so on.If you like shopping,then go to the Queen Street,Parnell Road,and Ponsonby Road and enjoy yourself.If you like nature,One Tree Hill,which is named for its lone tree on top of the hill will not disappoint you.At the foot of the hill,there are crowds of sheep and green grass.All is truly the Newzealand countryside style.
  If you want to learn about Auckland's education,you can visit the University of Auckland.It's one of the most famours universities in the world.Founded in 1883,it has two campuses,sometimes you have to take a bus to go to different colleges
  Auckland is an English-speaking country,so if you want to visit there,you'd better learn some English,or you‘ll have to take a transator with you.

My favourite city is Changsha,I was born in changsha,where their is very beautiful and clean.
     with the devolopment of people's living standars,it's becoming increasingly important to live in a comfortable city ,don't worry.Changsha is the best one .
     let me introduce it for you .first,there are too much delicious food in the street.second,people there is very pretty .third,the weather is comfortable ,nither too hot nor too cold.
     so ,I like changsha very very much.
Nanjing is located in the affluent areas of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River in central, southwest of Jiangsu Province. Nanjing Kuajiang neighbors, and even the vast North Jianghuai Plain, east fertile Yangtze River Delta, bordering Zhenjiang, Yangzhou, Changzhou, Chuzhou, Ma'anshan City, Xuanzhou CityNanjing, a fascinating world; Nanjing, a beautiful place. Her charming, is because the night was brightly lit; said she was beautiful, because during the day and night are flowers.
Where Nanjing fascinating place in? That the banks of the Yangtze River yuejianglou every night, the light gold Guangcan yuejianglou on, more majestic yuejianglou the Nanjing add a charming color; Nanjing charming place where? On in that many Qise signs when night fell, the neon lights on the seven-color signs constantly changing color, colorful, changing thousands of attracting tourists gathered to watch, more Nanjing add a charming color.
Nanjing beautiful place where? Green Bo in that garden, where a beautiful, tree-lined clusters of flowers bloom, flourish, like a landscape painting; Nanjing beautiful place in where? In the Xuanwu Lake, in the sunshine, sparkling lake, shining golden light, Willow Lake greenness, the long branches like the hair generally Caesar on the lake, like a young girl in the dressing carefully.
I love to Nanjing, love Nanjing charming the world; I love Nanjing, love Nanjing

Everyone has their favourite city,so am I.I like Beijing best.Beijing is the capital city in China.It has many places of interests.For example:the Palace Museum,the Summer Palace,the Great wall and so on.Many people all over the world likes to teavel in Beijing.I have been to Beijing when I was young and I want to go there again.Beijing is a very beautiful city.I like it very much!


  • 最喜欢的一座城市英语作文六级水平

  • 158文章网作文欣赏
  • 下面是一篇描述“我做喜欢的一座城市”的英语作文,个人认为已经达到e79fa5e98193e78988e69d83338英语六级水平,希望对你有所帮助!  My favorite city in the world is Auckland,New Zealand.It is one


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