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英语作文 friendship and love




Friendship and love with human social life is indispensable to the divine power, but both have distinction to have connection again, in the life of their position. Friendship and love, there is a difference between the two.
First of all, love and friendship are two different kinds of emotions. Friendship is open, with open, and comprehensive relations, this relationship with peace and deep color. But love is closed.
Secondly, the foundation of friendship and love is not identical also, friendship is the basis of trust, but it has not ruled out by the theory values, may. Love is the foundation, often entangled in friendship to love, not only have ideal, have interest of temper, character and so on various aspects of special requirements
Third, the pillar of love and friendship. Friendship is filled with "understanding", no matter how deep friendship, don't exist yisiyihao's desire. But love is heart, is deep and thorough collision, the psychological emotional resonance both sincere.
Fourth, love and friendship with different mood, friendship, love, "enough" is filled with "lacking sense." Further, friendship, love, and the two means that two people's world.
Therefore, we love and friendship relationship in processing to note: seriously, sincere friendship towards love

In the nervous society,many people are puzzled by friendship and love,they can't distinguish friendship and love. So most of them are always to be hurt.In fact,friendship and love have many diffrences.
Friendship is a quiet walk in the park with the one you trust.Love is when you feel like you are the two around.Friendship is when they gave into your eyes and you know they care.Love is when they gave into your eyes and it warms your heart.Friendship occupies your mind.Love occupies your soul.Friendship can survive without love,but love can't live without friendship.
So my dear friends.In order to get real friendship and love,wo should seperate them

Friendship and Love
Friendship and love are important in our daily life, and they have many similarities. First,both of them are natural feelings of human beings, which give us warmth and happiness. Friendship is like warm spring, by which you will be surrounded when you are in trouble and depressed. Love is like a set of beautiful clothes,which makes you happy all the time. Second, love and friendship give you strength. Whenever you are in adversity, friends and lovers are bound to encourage you to stand up again. Third, both of them are fragile. Friendship is like earthenware, once broken, it can be mended. However, love is like a mirror, once broken, the original one can never come back. Therefore, it’7a64e4b893e5b19e334s very necessary for us to treasure friendship and love.


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