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初三作文friend and friendship



Friends are very important to us. When in trouble, we need friends to offer us en couragement and help. With success achieved, we also need friends to share our joys. It's hard to imagine life without friendship!
A person should make as many friends as he can. The more friends he has, the more meaningful his life will be. Similarly, a country, too, needs friends. China today, for example, has friends all over the world. With the open policy being successfully carried out, she is certain to make more friends in the future.
However,real friends are not easy to find. That's why we highly value our friend ship with them. False friends also exist. They may have a bad influence on our character and are even worse open enemies. Therefore, it is essential we take care in making friends. 朋友
需要朋友分享我们的欢乐。没有友谊的生活是难以想象的! 一个人应广交朋友。朋友越多,他的生活将更有意义。同样,一个国家也需要朋友。譬如,今天的中国,朋友遍天下。随着开放政策成功的施行,中国将会有更多的朋友。
然而,真正的朋友却不易寻觅。这就是为什么我们非常珍视朋友之间友谊的原因。假朋友也是存在的,他们对我们的品格有不良影响,甚至是更坏的公开敌人。因 此,根本的问题在于慎重交友

nobody can be alone all the time.so all of we need friends.when we are sad,friends can bring us happiness;when we are happy,friends will share the happiness with us .then the happiness become double.
Having a true friend is not easy thing.some pople can' t meet a true friend forever.but if you really meet a true friend,you must cherish this relationship and keep it fresh.however,there are still a lot of bad friends,they will make us turn into bad people.so you must be careful in choosing friends.
friendship is the most valuable thing in the world.we can't use money to buy it.so from now on,start taking care of your friendship.and cherich the friendship




friend and friendship
Everyone need friend.the friendship is very improtant toour life and study.we need friends,because friends can help one another,mutual confidence and share happiness or sadness.When you make friend you should't only care about yourself ,should't lie to your friend and don't make friend only when they need help.If your friends have troubles we should do our best to help them ,that proves a sentence A friend in need is a friend inneed!e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e4b893e5b19e366 So care about your friend cherish friendship .That will benefit your whole life.


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  • 158文章网作文欣赏
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