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In my eyes,friendship can be considered as a special thing. It will effect everybody's life. Friends will help to wipe my eyes when cry. They can listen to me when I want to speak. They might even tell me some jokes when I am unhappy.
Once,I only got __(分)in my Math test. I thought that my parents must be very angry. One of my best friend,Lucy came to ask why I was so sad. I told her the thurth. She encourged me and said something to make me happy. When my parents asked my score, I told them and said I would get higher score in the next test,they believed me. In the next test,I really got a better score. If my friend didn't encourge me,I would not get the better score!7a64e4b893e5b19e334

friend, what a beautiful word, he was my childhood friend, to accompany me to learn, to accompany me grow.
On one occasion, our class there are students in the School of the feet were burned, and a month at home to recuperate faster, and everyone was worried for him. Every time after school, students may go to his house to visit him, with him to chat him Chaozuo Ye topics, if not done, the students give him patience to explain, to give him the same day on repeat once again, until He understood and we have to leave, every day is so, sometimes with interest to ask: "Are you a good foot something of it?" I saw my classmates for his pains, he was grateful for the time being are not say so, tears in the eyes where spin.
Between students should help each other, when you have a difficult time, students will not hesitate to come to help you. However, some contradictions in life are inevitable, the key is to enhance mutual understanding and tolerance, turn hostility into friendship.
Recently, at the same table I bought a new automatic pen surrounded by people who read are very envious of a classmate also touch a bit. After a while, at the same table pen disappeared, he thought for a moment: Yes, Xiao-Lan to take, and he angrily asked Xiao-Lan: "Today I bought a new pen is not yours to steal." Xiao-Lan Wang a look him: "I did not take!e5a48de588b6e79fa5e98193337" "deceptive, today only you touched my pen, is what you get in!" Xiaolan felt aggrieved, then started to cry again. The teacher came and asked a clear cause and effect of things, and finally with the help of a teacher that pen finally has found the corner. Deskmate embarrassed hung his head, Xiukui De Sheng said: "I'm sorry." Xiao-Lan came, smiled: "It does not matter." They both then and good as ever had.
Time flies, time Rusuo, we are the same under one roof, a sun bathing. Learning, we encourage each other in life, we help each other. The friendship between the students is very precious, and six years of time passing so hastily. We should treasure the friendship between the value students bit by bit.

Whenever I open the pencil box, he saw a black fountain pen like that, it will not help to think of one thing happened a few days ago. That was Thursday night care class, I was their homework, Zhu teacher walked in and gave me a little on behalf of the Council proposed a plan to me Before the class is filled to the King teachers, and requires complete with a black colorful markers. I hear clearly after he picked up a black fountain pen to write up. Read read, writing paper gradually faded down, I saw the original Kandelia where there is no ink has. This can be how to do? Immediately to pay, and asked the students to take? Everyone must do their homework can not be lent to me. I am anxious like a wok on the ants, I do not know how to do. Suddenly, being the same table doing their homework - a small wish to see, they care to ask: "how, and Siu Ting, can I help you?" I replied: "You are gods would not help me!" "What in the end happened? quickly said that, ah! "" I can not write in fountain pen, but the proposal soon to pay, and Jisi who had! "" Why do I have to make a fuss about it! "Little Yi said," I shall take you. " Ella sitting in front of hearing, he turned and said: "Teachers are not asked to do this job only with a black fountain pen to write, but you have only one, lent Siu Ting, how can you do? Are you afraid of because the operating I will never finish, were left behind? We are not that good today, Xiao Gui home after school to go play? "Little Yi smiled and said:" Since she has in emergencies, I would certainly lend Siu Ting first use, the overall situation of re-do! "Then he will Kandelia handed me, and I looked at her with grateful eyes look, fast write up. Soon, the proposal finished, I should put pen back to a small, small useful to a smooth finish before the bell rings up operations. This matter may be small, but it left me a deep impression, a Kandelia cohesion between me and the small should the sincere friendship.

My best friend is Sally. She is a good student. Our friendship started when we were in the junior middle school. We were classmates then, she is a clever,lively and kind girl. We lived, studied and laughed together. We tried to help each other. We did sports on the playground, played games in the open air. Once I fell off my bike and hurt myself, she gave me a lot of help. We keep good friendship.
I believe that our friengship will be the same in the future. A friend in need is a friend in deed.


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