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以my friendship为题写一篇100-120单词的作文



这篇你参考参考,不行再说哦~~~~· What is friendship? It is to relate with somebody without need for money or objective. It is to need emotion and over wealth is friendship , no matter what their background , age , sex or personality. Friendship can be pure. We hear , nowdays, however, how one can be cheated by friends. Many people get along with someone because they have a lot of money. It is doultful that is real friendship.
Having friends, one can be find happiness. If you are in trouble your friends will help you through or at least comfort you. When you are happy , they share it with you. They are also there for you to chat with at any time.
It is a wonderful feeling, as the proverb says" to love each other is easy but to make frieds is hard", So, it is crutial that we should get along with our friends. In my opinon ,it is a shame to deceive your friends . The world would be more beautiful if it was full of filled with friendship 友谊是什么?友谊是一种不需要钱或者物质来维持的人与人之间的关系.无论人们的背景 年龄 性别或者个性怎样,友谊的维系需要感情多过财富.

She recalled the times she had taken his hand and walked with him here or there,as she had the other students.How often had she said,"Take my hand,Tom,we'll go outside."Or,"Let me show you how to hold your pencil."Or,"Let's do this together."Tom was most thankful for his teacher's hand.

My favorite sport

Though there are different kinds of sports, swimming is my favorite. It was a very exciting experience  to learn swimming with my parents when I was five years old.

Swimming is a really good sport. It makes me feel relaxed. This sport can make me stay healthy and strong, because I exercise almost every part of my body every time I go swimming.



游泳是一项很好的运动。这让我觉得很放松。这项运动能让我保持健康和强壮,因为每次我去游泳的时候,我几乎都会锻炼身体的每一部分。 在去游泳之前,我们要注意三点。第一个是让你的身体处于一个更好的状态。第二,不要吃得太多。最后一个是你最好和一些朋友一起游泳。这些可以帮助你保持身材。

My best friend is Sally. She is a good student. Our friendship started when we were in the junior middle school. We were classmates then, she is a clever,lively and kind girl. We lived, studied and laughed together. We tried to help each other. We did sports on the playground, played games in the open air. Once I fell off my bike and hurt myself, she gave me a lot of help. We keep good friendship.

I believe that our friengship will be the same in the future. A friend in need is a friend in deed.




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