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One thing to liberal arts students do either bewildered or things understood as a large group, a group like stitches side to resolve the dumpling dumpling heart, but few stop to think about it, the most important thing What place is to set out 1,2,3. The frame is ready, then proceed to solve the most critical areas. This has the advantage of speed and resolve clear-cut. You can list the main points, you can also use charts to analyze, science students are good at doing precisely.
Science students setting up the shelves filled up, the bad is that, no matter how you re-fill or not to fill the shelves, but the liberal arts students pile up, there are endless possibilities, and perhaps their results will let himself unexpected, liberal arts students knowledge and divergent thinking, creativity is often at this time is an advantage, then to their liberal arts students can also develop some criteria and then use their strengths to the full completion , this time with artistic and creative work is often more effective.

Liberal arts science of choice has always been a headache problem, many people in the wrong direction outset. When the thought of the liberal arts or science, a lot of students and parents, the first thought is "liberal arts science which future employment prospects better? More promising?" In fact, the question itself is wrong. Because no matter liberal arts science, corresponds to a lot of professional, we have a good professional, but also have relatively less Haozhaogongzuo professional, such as liberal arts in the history of philosophy, science of geology archeology, arts and science be compared directly without significance. And, no matter what profession, even relatively poor professional, if we can learn well, can still have a good future, even if is a good professional, if the school mess, nor Haozhaogongzuo.


First of all, from my personal point of view, I think it is better to learn the language use, because the text of the subject can expand a person's horizons, regardless of what you learn professional, are to improve the quality and accomplishment of personal benefits.

Second, the teachers have said that the real people who are more intelligent, more intelligent.

Third, from my observation, I think my history teacher than my chemistry teacher speak level and all aspects of quality should be high, geography teacher than physics teacher to high, political teacher than biological teacher to high.

Fourth, I would like to remind you a little, in the US, learn the is part of the poor students, they because of do not want to learn to choose the, so our school arts Bambi science classes to some of the chaos, you need to have enough psychological preparation and self-control to!




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