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I love the earth, love for our homeland. Love her beautiful country scene, love her green grass and blue sky......
In me the fragrance of the flowers and butterflies, I play together, laugh; a wild profusion of vegetation in the forest, I chase, together with the birds singing; early in the morning, I walked with light steps spring outing to the wilderness, mist shrouded, white like gently floating in the air. Sucking the aromatic plants, enjoy the sunshine, I was intoxicated in this dream delude one to folly; at night, I sat in the rice fragrance farmyards, looking up at the bright sky, listening to the sound of cicadas Liao, frog sound waves, as if you are in a fairy tale kingdom. In spring, I sit on the back of a bull, in the stretch as far as eye can see prairie, listen to the melodious madrigal, Mudi melodious. In summer, I sit on the boat, Ren sculls beating that green lake water, watching seagulls lightly across the expanse of the lake; the autumn, I stand under the tree, looked forward to the golden leaves fall; winter, I stood at the window, watching the fleecy snow in the air, Pian Pian flying. In this picturesque paradise, my heart has been thoroughly drunk!
Since ancient times, many poets and writers in praise of the beauty of the earth. "Nature" will become the best material they poetry writing. "Gray days, the vast field, the wind and see grass and sheep." This poem expresses the beauty of nature. Painters like to outline a picture a feel fresh with the brush in the rural fresh air in the picture.
Only a short while ago, people cut down many trees, the ecological balance of nature has been destroyed. Dune swallowed million hectares of fertile farmland, floods the lovely home. The earth should be young, but she was old. Her past the beautiful forest long hair, become yellow, drop out; his beautiful blue ocean clothes, the contaminated oil stains; the strong atmosphere of coat, was damaged in a disastrous state; her numerous children -- the fish, the birds, birds and animals, has now There is not much left.; river, her blood vessel, is already filled with sand and disease exhausted liquid...... This day in and day out, year after year, she lost her health, only hard support and painful groan.
Since our mother -- earth, for her children -- human -- create beautiful things. "Flowers, white clouds, blue sky, the sea......" She became the best gift given to human. Finally we born in her meticulous care. As a member of the human race, the earth mother's children, should we not do their duty to protect her? However merciless human beings for their own survival, or to live well, out of the clutches to mother, destruction of the ozone layer around the earth, the clear water become turbid, dense forest get be thrown into a panic, the blue sky became grey, green hill green become bare, debris flow, forest fires, extinct animal, a serious lack of water, a series of disasters follow close on succession, has made our mother earth unbearable. And we face is the destruction of earth reality. The earth in the appeal! Maybe "Qianshan bird, also nobody trail", this is the destruction of the earth mother, the most realistic portrayal of the consequences.
Gu Yanwu once said, Everyone is responsible for his country. Protect environment and maintaining the ecological balance of the historical responsibility to fall on our cross century generation shoulder. Let us all to love nature, love the earth, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, heart to heart to cast an embankment of green environmental protection, defend, defend, defend the earth environment resources, protect our beautiful home!


  • 写一篇保护环境的作文。

  • 158文章网作文欣赏
  • 写一篇就是保护环境的作文曾经,天很蓝很蓝;曾经,河水清澈的能与蓝天融为一体;曾经满山的绿色汇成一片无边的海洋······然而,这一切都已经变得那么遥远。大自然哭泣了。zd人
  • 有关保护环境的作文400字

  • 158文章网作文欣赏
  • 绿色环保 地球是我们人类的家园,也是人类的母亲。我们依赖它,探索它。这个蔚蓝色的星球多么美丽,但我们要知道:地球只有一个! 遗憾的是,许多人对于这个浅显易懂的道
  • 写一篇关于保护环境的作文400字。

  • 158文章网作文欣赏
  • 保护环境保护环境,人人有责!从我做起!地球百上的人口越来越多,人类一定要更好地保护环境。这样,人们才能长期生存在地球上。但是,随着各类工厂日渐增多,污染也随之而来
  • 关于保护环境的作文400字左右,急

  • 158文章网作文欣赏
  • 在蓝蓝的天上来两只燕子,又黑又亮的羽毛像是抹了油, 白肚皮就像是穿着一件白衬衣.飞着飞着, 就来到了城市工业区, 化工厂e79fa5e98193e59b9ee7ad94337的烟囱冒着烟, 像从里面飞出的一条乌龙
  • 关于保护环境的作文,350字

  • 158文章网作文欣赏
  • 保护环境保护环境,人人有责!从我做起!地球上的人口越来越多,人类一定要更好地保护环境。这样,人们才百能长期生存在地球上。但是,随着各类工厂日渐增多,污染也随之而来


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