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Pop music is now most girls who pursues,pop music he can make people feel happy,also explain his influence,the students think listening to pop music,give the parents need money to buy an MP3 player,long time listening music,which affected students study result,makes the parents worried.
Pop music he can make you happy,but if you grasp the bad and will affect your achievements,the advantages and disadvantages of you want to measure his good!



I like music because music can bring me pleasure and relaxiation.In some way it can also reduce the patients' pain so some hospitals are using music to treat their patients.Music is really good to our health.It can refresh our brain after long time hard work.It can also make us forget our sadness .In my free time I usually make full of time to listen to music.In music I have found the virtue of human being ,the value of ourselves and the beauty of nature.Music and I are so closely connected that we can not separate forever.
I think there are many difference between European pop music and Chinese music .And the style and the music instruments are different.But I think the most different place is the way to express the feeling.
In Europe there are many traditional styles,such as jazz,blues,rock music and so on.These kinds of music have a long history.But Chinese music has fewer variaties,because our music develops in later years..And the music intruments are different. As whole,the sound of European music intruments are stronger than Chinese music instruments'.
Now many peope like European music,especially pop music.And most people think their music attracts them more.I think ,the bigges reason is that their rhyme is stronger,and can strongly arouse their feelings . On the onther hand ,most of us do not konw the meaning of the songs,so we feel that it is more beautiful.

Everyone has him or her own favorite kind of music
I like the pop music best
It can make me feel confortable
When I am happy,I will listen to the happily music
When I am sad,I will listen to the sadly music
Pop music is a representative of popular
Many singers are famous for the pop music,and to be an idol
So,I love the pop music,I hope all of you also can fall in love with it after my presentation




  • 关于音乐的英文作文

  • 158文章网作文欣赏
  • Pop music is now most girls who pursues,pop music he can make people feel happy,also explain his influence,the students think listening to pop music,g


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