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Music could be created in any place when you have inspiration.At
most times,we enjoy music like symphonic music.Even pop music,there is
needn't to understand what are they wanting to tell us.We just need to
hear it carefully.Therefore,music shouldn't have national boundaries.
to my personal experience,music has a more positive effect on our
life.When we are in a blue mood,we could listen to some foreigner
song.Such as,My Love,the Funeral of Hearts and Close to the flame
etc.The music is that we needn't to realize what are they singing.


 Let me tell you why...He\'s SUPER cute and how can you not love his sweet smile?!? I just think he seems like an awesome guy with a very romantic and fun personality. 

William Hung has a really cheerful disposition and a positive attitude. He is deeply unassuming, unostentatious and has a humble personality. Just by being in his presence, I will experience felicity which emanates from him as fragrance would from a flower. His utter simplicity and childlike nature is so endearing to me and that\'s what also makes him attractive to many. Let me state the reasons on why i\'m absolutely infatuated with William Hung:
1) he has a Winning smile.
2) he has the Intelligent to get into U.C Berkeley.
3) he looks Lovable!
4) he makes me Laugh even when I\'m down.
5) he is just Irresisitable when he performs.
6) he is ultimately Attractive in his own special way.
7) last but not least, he is Magnanimous!

His indelible rendition of Ricky Martin\'s \'She Bangs\' at the audition portrays him to be an intrepid performer. William is truly my epitome of confidence and he will always be my idol nevertheless!!!

I admire William\'s courage. I think he is adorable and the sweetest man I\'ve seen in a very long time. I cannot offer William anything more than my friendship. I would love to be able to meet him and give him a big hug for doing so well on American Idol!

Ever since I saw that American Idol episode... I can\'t stop thinking about Will! Even though Simon dissed him, his singing, and dancing...I actually thought he was pretty good! His voice wasn\'t bad at ALL... and the dancing was just ADORABLE! I keep on playing that recording of him on American Idol OVER and OVER again. It\'s obvious that he\'s not shy, or has low self esteem because he had the guts to audition for American Idol! That\'s something I really admire. I don\'t think I would ever be able to do that! He also seems incredibly smart... since he goes to Berkeley and all. Being smart is definately a plus! He just overall seems like a great, outgoing guy, and i\'d just REALLY like to meet him! 

He has a heart of gold and wears it on his sleeve. He kept his composure in the face of ridicule and criticism and yet, he maintained his positive attitude. I wish I knew more guys like Will who are as outgoing and sweet as he is. I look forward to seeing more of him on TV and on his website! 

\"You are the Idol in my heart. Thats why i always be around...\"
William! You have touched my heart and you rule my mind. With you around, 
you light up my life. Pure and Simple, true and sincere. You\'ve got the character and style I 
desire. After that American Idol episode William appeared in, i never missed 
another. He has brought me the enthusiasm to watch the show with fun, 
laughter, peace and joy. William is \'My Idol\'
\"Forever you\'ll stay in my heart\"



1 I prefer the music that makes me feel good
2 I prefer the music that is loved by most people
3 I prefer the music that is soft
4 I prefer the music that is newly made
5 I prefer the music that is full of passion





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