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This summer holidy, my friends and I decided to visit a famous mountain in our city. We spent a very wonderful time together. It was a bright and cheerful morning. We were singing and laughing all the way. One and a half hours later, we arrived at the foot of the mountain, we began to climb. We could see many beautiful flowers and odd trees on the mountainside. The mountain is quite high, but we finally reached the top. From the mountaintop, we could get a bird’s eye view of the town. It looked so beautiful in the mist. We also visited a temple there and there are many people who are praying for health and good fortunes.
When it was getting dark we returned. Though I was tired that night, I was too excited to fall asleep.


We,English Club,are recruiting new members. Those with a keen love for English may join us、on the great trip of indulging in the world of English.
English Club is a 20—e79fa5e98193e59b9ee7ad94338year-old student-run organization in our school,which has enjoyed great popularity among students over so many years.It is established to provide an environment for students with common interest in English speaking,writing and other related English areas.
Our activities center around improving our members’ English skills and promoting friendship and fun among our members.the Club is most famed for its tradition— al activity——English Comer held every Thursday,where English lovers gather together,making friends,exchanging ideas and most importantly improving their spoken English.We also play classical English movies free of charge to our members,and put on English dramas acted by our members,just to name a few.
Come and join us if you have an interest in English studies and want to have fun as well.Interested students please call 2233567 or send an email to English— Club @sohu.com.And 100RMB membership fee is needed.
Caring for our Earth
International environmental conference for children held in Norway

On 24 May 2005, the 5th International Environmental conference for Children was officially opened in beautiful Norway. The venue for this biannual conference was Sola, a coastal area of Norway's "oil city" Stavanger, and children from 36 countries all over the world participated.

The conference was organized by the local environmental organisation Young Agenda 21, and the main theme was " Caring for our Earth ". The participating children were aged 10 - 13 and through discussions based on their experiences from environmental work in their respective countries, the participants gained a deeper understanding of the crisis faced by the Earth that we all depend upon. The conference exhibition centre displayed the children's own art works - posters, photographies, and other forms of ecologically focused art. Everywhere one could hear news from different countries and in the many exhibition areas one could learn about a variety of local conditions and customs from all over the world. The young advocates of the environment gave song and dance performances, held lively discussion meetings, exchanged gifts and made new environmentally engaged friends.

The Chinese representatives' group leader was Global Village's project officer Li Li and the group consisted of one volunteer and 4 students from GVB's Green Angel programme. At the conference the volunteer, Ms(?) Xu Jie, introduced Global Village and the Green Angel programme and three of the students gave a dance performance over the true story of Xu Xiujuan, a little girl who sacrificed her life to protect wild animals. Little Xiujuan loved cranes very much. One day she discovered an injured crane in the nearby lake and threw herself in to rescue it. After she later graduated from university, she came back to the place where she had nursed the sick crane and one day, while she was trying to save an injured swan, she fell in the water and never came back up.

The Green Angels' performance received warm applause. The audience was made up of children from many countries with different languages and culture, but Ms Chen Ruimin gave an English language introduction, and Wang Peiyi and Li Ruisi gave such an inspired and communicative performance that many people in the audience had to shed a tear. The stage had also been decorated by four Chinese characters in Zhao Xiaojun's beautiful calligraphy, saying "Take good care of our Earth". After the performance, the audience and the performers also shouted "Take good care of our Earth" together in Chinese. Members of the audience thanked the Green Angels for their beautiful performance and for bringing Chinese culture to the world in this way.

Although the 5 day conference is now over, our environmental cause continues. And certainly, through the efforts of such green emissaries, more and more people will join our ranks and our fight to protect our common home!e5a48de588b6e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94331

Dear Xinhua Computer Company,
I have just read the ad on the Internet and the moment I saw it I took an interest in becoming one of your employees.Now I’m writing here to apply for this opportunity.
My name is Zhang Lin,a warm-hearted man of 26 ,with a strong ability of communication.I graduated from Beijing Information Technology College in 2007 . For one year I have been working in HengTong Company .At that time,I was a computer engineer .Now,I am very familiar with computer technology.And I have a good command of English for I passed College English Test-6 ,I also got an excellent grade in Test of English as a Foreign Language of 629.
I’d appreciate it so much if you could possibly consider my application. I’m looking forward to your early reply .

Yours sincerely,

Zhang Lin





关于道德的作文怎么写啊?三天之内!!!!!!!!!!急!!!... 关于道德的作文怎么写?要1000字左右! 关于“世界是自己的”的作文怎么写? 写关于道德的作文结尾怎么写 秋天到了,田野里一片丰收的景象小虫儿们在稻田里玩耍,正发生... 秋天到了,田野里一片丰收的景象,稻田里发生着一些有趣的故事... 秋天到了,田野里一片丰收的景色,小虫儿,发生这一些有趣的故事... 秋天到了,田野里一片丰收的景象,稻田里发生着一些有趣的故事,... 谈谈你对管理学的认识 管理学有哪些专业? 学习管理学的心得体会 1000字左右 管理学中最重要的理论是什么? 高中英语作文——在线等,求高手,急急急~!!!!! 急~!!!! 英语作文 在线等 求一篇加入协会的英语作文...急~!!!!!!!!!!!!!... 英语作文正式的格式 哪里有关于消防安全小故事的作文? 消防安全小故事,急急!!!!!长点的 防火小故事50字以下 简短消防小故事 跪求 拜年作文600字急急急急!!! 拜年的作文600字 16篇拜年啦作文600字 拜年的收获作文600字 植物的作文一百五十个字是二年级的 描写趵突泉景致的作文一百五十个字左右 春节的传统写作文一百五十个字 可爱的小动物作文怎么写一百二十个字到一百五十个字 高尔基的简介(50字) 高尔基简介(50字左右) 求高尔基童年中的10个小故事每个50字左右 求高尔基童年中的5个小故事每个50字 什么什么改变了我 半命题作文 600字 谢谢啦 因什么而改变作文600字 ____改变了我 600字作文 什么改变了我作文600字以上 三年级作文一件难忘的事15o字 三年级作文童年趣事25o字左右 我最后悔的一件事,3年级作文,300字左右 令我难忘的一件事作文,大约25O字 一段故事 需要两个人去演绎 谁能给我讲一个疯子和傻子的故事 我是一个爱你爱你的傻子 这是句歌词 求歌名 有一首歌里面有一句是,我是一个傻子傻子爱你的傻子,这是什么歌... 以合作共赢为题,写一篇800字的议论文 以竞争与合作哪个更重要为话题写一篇议论文800字 关于“竞争与双赢”的800字作文 以竞争与人情为话题作文800字 800字作文 以师德为话题的作文 800字左右 践行职业道德规范 争做合格技校生 关于职业道德的话题作文
