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yanglin is taller than me
I am smarter tan yanglin
yanglin gets up earlier than me every day
I study harder than yanglin
yanglin's english is worse than mine
I get better result than yanglin un the test.
compared to yanglin,I am much more hardworking
My friend and I
I have a friend ,his name is Jack Smith ,we are in the same school and in the same class .He is tall than me and he is more stronger than me .So he is more likes basketball than me .He is very cute and he is better in math and PE ,but his Chinese and English isn't better than me .So ,we often help each other and we all get good greads in the exam .He is my best friend !

I have two friends.One is called Helen,and the other one is Alice.
Helen is the same age as Alice,but Alice is shorter than her.
Helen is more outgoing than Alice,
but Alice is as popular as Helen among all the classmates.
They all get on well with others.
Helen has as much schoolwork as Alice's.
We often talk about our school work on the phone after school.
We'll always be good friends.

My friend and I
I have a friend ,his name is Jack Smith ,we are in the same school and in the same class .He is tall than me and he is more stronger than me .So he is more likes basketball than me .He is very cute and he is better in math and PE ,but his Chinese and English isn't better than me .So ,we often help each other and we all get good greads in the exam .He is my best friend !




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