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Many people like to keep a kind of annimal as a pet ,such as dogs,cats,birds,and so on .They put so great enthusiasm on them that some pets are treated like their family members.
A good relationship between people and pets can be very comfortable.They are loyal audiences of you ,while you have something can't tell any one else.They occuppy the loneliness ,cure your pains,make anxious hearts return to peace and innocence ,some pets even can help to cure some mental disease.that's the advantages of keeping an pet.
However ,pets are often expensive,to feed them would even cost more .Too much money spend on pets are more or less a little improper while there are so many starving people in this nation.
Some dangerous pets are a menace to their owners ,even a dog attack people sometimes,things could be worse if they carrying some fatal virus.That's the disadvantages of keeping a pet.


Be a friend.You don't need money,Just a disposition sunny,just the wish to help another Get along some way or other,just a kindly hand extended out to one who's unbefriended,just the will to give or lend,this will make you someone's friend.
Be a friend.You don't need glory.Friendship is a simple story.pass by trifling errors blindly,gaze on honest effort kindly,cheer the youth who's bravely trying,pity him who's sadly sighing,just a little labor spend n the duties of a friend.Be a friend.The pay is bigger(Though not written by a figure)Than is earned by people clever in what's merely self-endeavor.You'll have friends instead of neighbors For the profits of your labors,You'll be richer in the end than a prince,if you're a friend.
Do not value the things you have in your life.But value who you have in your life!e69da5e887aae799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94331
recommended in the past, as a matter of military urgency, that under no circumstances must Formosa fall under Communist control. Such an eventuality would at once threaten the freedom of the Philippines and the loss of Japan and might well force our western frontier back to the coast of California, Oregon and Washington.
To understand the changes which now appear upon t

Be a friend. You don't need money,Just a disposition sunny,just the wish to help another Get along some way or other,just a kindly hand extended out to one who's unbefriended,just the will to give or lend,this will make you someone's friend.

Be a friend. You don't need glory.Friendship is a simple story.pass by trifling errors blindly,gaze on honest effort kindly,cheer the youth who's bravely trying,pity him who's sadly sighing,just a little labor spend n the duties of a friend.Be a friend. The pay is bigger(Though not written by a figure)Than is earned by people clever in what's merely self-endeavor.You'll have friends instead of neighbors For the profits of your labors,You'll be richer in the end than a prince, if you're a friend.

Do not value the things you have in your life. But value who you have in your life!e68a847a686964616f335


  • 一次有意义的争论的作文600字

  • 158文章网作文欣赏
  • 一、写家里事的作文类型1.写家里的日常生活,表现家庭生活中有意思或有意义的内容;2.写参加家里的劳动或跟家里人学习家务;3.写发生在家庭中的一件事,反映出家庭成员的个性素
  • 《争论》作文

  • 158文章网作文欣赏
  • 题目:《争论》自古以来,争论便函是一种四处可闻的声音。守备森严的皇宫大殿里,大臣们为政事争论不休,各执己见;熙熙攘攘的菜市场里,顾客为几毛差价与老板斤斤计较,绝不
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  • 有家真好,回家真好,回家的感觉与在其他地方的感觉绝对不是一回事.   家是自在的,也是自然的.在家里可以e69da5e887aae79fa5e98193331不伪装乔作,不虚头巴脑,不故作姿态.你是谁就是谁,市
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