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Today is the one hundredth anniversary of our school. I do hope that our school grows stronger and strong . I will never forget the past happy days and the former teachers. Especially my maths teacher, Mr Li. He was very strict with us but very patient with us. Whenever we made mistakes ,he always tried his hard to explain to us and showed us how to correct them. He not only teached us maths but he also cared for us in many other aspects. So we think of him as one of our best friends. So today ,on such a special day , I would like to say :"Thank you,we will never forget you".

Nowadays, lots of APPs such as DouYin and Kuaishou are making a big difference to our own life. People often watch short-videos on them for fun when they are free.
However, it's not always good for people to spend too much time on the APPs like DouYin. Although they can make you happy or make you feel better, it's a waste of time. You can spend time on other things that make you smarter and happier. For example, if you are tired of doing math homework, you can listen to some English songs. It can make you relax, and it can improve your English level at a time.
It's not good for people to spend too much time on APPs like DouYin. People should learn more and improve ourselves so that they can make their life more colorful and wonderful.

绝对农大的 明天考试 我帮别人找




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