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My room 【原创】
My room is small,copybut very beautiful. Look ,there is a desk next to my bed. There isa lamp,some books and a pencil-box on the desk. And there is a chair under it. Near the window,there are someflowers. There is a TV in front of the desk.


This is my room. There is a desk in front of the window. On the desk, there is a computer. Above the desk ,there is a beautiful light. I often study at the desk. There is a bookshelf next to the desk. They are many books on it. On the left hand of the bookshelf ,there are some pictures on the wall. Opposite the bookshelf is a piano. I like playing the piano. On the right hand of the piano is a tape recorder.In the corner of the room is my bed. Under the bed, there is a soccer ball. like my room.
My house
  I live in a new house now.There are three bedrooms,a sitting room,a bathroom,a study,a kitchen,a bright dining room and a large garden.Now,let's go to my bedroom.It's small but bright.There is a picture on the wall.Under the window,there's a desk.I often do my homework there.You can see a lamp and a lot of books on my desk.At desk,is a commuter.Beside the disk,there is a bed.There are some lovely dolls on it.Near the bed,there is a bookcase.
I lke my beautiful bedroom very much.


I have a every happiness family ! I'm the princess(prince) in my home,all of my families are very kind . They are so crazy about me ,i love them and i hope they are happy too .I don't want to bring problems to them ,they are always tired after working th whole day ! SO, i'll study hard to thank them.....

Just like a box , my room is small but warm.This is the relaxing place for me .I like my room ,there's a special desk for me,and my desk is tidy and clean. I can look outside through my windows,people go and come !When i'm boring ,i like to look trees and flowers out of my windows ,it's really a good way to search for fun .Do you think so ?

I live on the 7th Floor in the Tower Building,in the southern suburb in Xi'an. My house has a good Sunlight as it faces south. There are several furnitures in my house, which has a dimension of 4.5X3.5X2.5 meters appromixately. The bed lies on the southeast corner,adjacent to the round table. What on the table are always in disorder,including several stationeries, a radio and something eatable. Computer is right next to the TV,which is opposite to the bed,next to the round table. The floor is halved by parts of carpet and naked cement ground.
我住在7层的建筑,在南部塔在西安郊区。我的房子有一个好的阳光就朝南。有几种家具在我的房子里,它有一个维度的4.5X3.5X2.5 appromixately米。在床上躺在东南角,毗邻圆桌。桌子上有什么症状,包括总在几文具、收音机和一些吃。计算机旁边的电视,这是对立的床上,旁边的圆桌。地板是由地区减半地毯和裸体水泥地面。

My room is not very big, but it is very comfortable. There is a picture on the wall. My computer is on the desk. There are lots of beautiful clothes in my wardrobe. On the left of my room, there is a piano and a guitar. The floor is brown. This is my room.

不知道行不行 呵呵 不过我尽力了哦 不行的话可以删一点 自己再编一点哦 呵呵




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