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panshui,water has a pleasant climate,let the ethnic customs and karst
scenery for the integration of tourism.Karst natural landscape and
cultural sites,more than 30 national splendid folk folkway folk
culture,and sings in the pearl inlaid is WuMeng earth.In liupanshui
downtown area,there is "the sea of fushan" kylin hole park,In LiuZhi
JiangFengJing scenic spot,there is only one Asian ancient heritage,the
ecological folk horns,BeiPanJiang seedling museum's different view; the
mountain valleySea scenic spot,recorded origin,evolution and human
environment evolution of national key wen hole sites,with half the
scripture-stored famous danxia moutain,xu xiake travels the karst
landscape,deep recorded in the evolution process has completed the
pleasures of plant thousands of ancient ginkgo,county plant paleolithic
sites,greatly hole,and the old factory pastures plateau million mu of
bamboo,Shuicheng wild clock francois langur nature reserve,the above,the
second sixth bianconeri plate making,and meeting county flower,nankai
miao jump and ancient jade pieces of BuYiZu wan yi torch festival,"lang
section mountain",etc.Together with superior geographical
environment,"winter is not too cold,summer is not too hot" climatic
conditions,the authors show for the abundant tourism resources provided
by,at the right time.

My hometown is located at the foot of Taihang Mountain, astream flows from near the village. Seen from a distance,the stream like a silver ribbon, slowly to the East; a closer look, crystal clear stream, small fish and shrimp in the water to take one's ease to swim to swim. To cross the mountainsCalocedrus evergreen. My hometown is like a big park,throughout the year are countless beauty.
The mountain spring, winter jasmine, peach, pearorchard... All along the season opened. Seen from a distance, on the slope of a piece of red, a yellow, a piece of white... Be riotous with colour, very beautiful. All kinds of flowers all over the hillside, approached the smell, floral aroma, intoxicated, from time to time there are a few beescollecting nectar in the flowers. Stretch as far as eye can see wheat fields, farmers are working to add vitality ofspring.
Summer arrived, the little duck swimming in the riverhappily, from time to time to dive into the water under predation. The river boat shuttle to and fro, running. When adults do not pay attention to, the children secretly jumped into the river fishing, very happy. In the evening, every household to bring the food to the door of the stone table,sat on the stool, day heights width to eat up. The skyHongxia, the evening breeze, heads of birds, are theirfriends. They and the country people together, as a natural and harmonious pastoral landscape painting.
Autumn has come, wind sends bright. The river shore in the orchard, a harvest scene. The golden pears, red apple,and like a small lantern like persimmon, covered with branches. The wind blowing, the wind dancing ripe fruit,sent waves of attractive fragrance. Uncle farmers are busyinto the orchard, picking the fruits of the harvest. They with great care to pick down, put in the box, attached to atricycle, transported to the city, so the town people share the joy of harvest.
Arrived in the winter, the white snow falling down. On the hillside, the fields, the roof, the yard is full of snow, the whole village as if into a fairy tale world. The village children are running in the snow, some in the snowman,some are having a snowball fight. The adults also began to rush the thing in the home, some clean, some to buyspecial purchases for the Spring Festival, some come together to discuss the rich event next year. Although the weather is cold, but everyone felt very warm.
My hometown, no matter what time, no matter what the season, there is a fascinating landscape, I love my hometown!






My home in Canton,there are many high-rise buildings,as well as delicious old fire,where large and the United States Park,the grass looks green it would stifle the trees grow tall and straight,flowers opened again bright and beautiful.There is also the country's largest book center,I often go to the library to buy books,pay the cashier that in the little girl is me!


  • 写一篇介绍我的家乡的英语作文

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