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Once upon a time,there was a shepherd who kept some sheep.He herded them outside in daytime;at night,he drived them in the sheepfold which was inclosed by hays and pegs etc.
One morning,the shepherd went to herd sheep and found one sheep lost.He then discovered that the sheepfold had been broken,and the wolf must had thieved the sheep through the hollow.
"You'd better repaire the sheepfold and plug up the hollow as soon as possible!e799bee5baa6e59b9ee7ad94363"Neighbours advised him.
"The sheep has been lost,why should I reparie the sheepfold?" He didn't accept the neighbour's kind suggestions.
The next morning,he went to herd and found another sheep lost.The wolf had again did it.
The shepherd now regreted for not taking neighbour's advice and taking remediations in time.So he stifled the hollow soon,and reinforced the whole sheepfold ,and made the sheepfold so substantial.
From then on,the sheep of this shepherd hadn't been thieved by the wolf any more.
The story tells us that it is very common to make mistakes and encounter frustrations. As long as you can draw lessons and remedy in time,you can avoid remaking mistakes and suffering much losses.
wáng yáng bǔ láo
[释义] 羊丢了再去修补羊圈还不算晚。比喻出了问题以后想办法补救可以防止继续受损失。亡:逃亡,丢失;牢:关牲口的圈。
[语出] 《战国策·楚策四》:“见兔而顾犬;未为晚也;亡羊而补牢;未为迟e68a84e799bee5baa6362也。”
[正音] 亡;不能读作“wànɡ”。
[辨形] 补;不能写作“朴”。
[近义] 知错就改
[反义] 知错不改
[用法] ~常和“未为晚”连用。一般作主语、谓语、宾语。
[结构] 连动式。
[例句] 他们单位昨天发生失盗后;领导立即~;采取安全防范措施。
[英译] mend the fold after a sheep is lost
  这故事出自“战国策”。战国时代,楚国有一个大臣,名叫庄辛,有一天对楚襄王说: “你在宫里面的时候,左边是州侯,右边是夏侯;出去的时候,鄢陵君和寿跟君又总是随看你。你和这四个人专门讲究奢侈淫乐,不管国家大事,郢(楚都,在今湖北省江陵县北)一定要危险啦!”



  如果你一直宠信这个人,楚国一定要灭亡的。你既然不信我的话,请允许我到赵国躲一躲,看事情究竟会怎样。” 庄辛到赵国才住了五个月,秦国果然派兵侵楚,襄王被迫流亡到阳城(今河南息县西 北)。这才觉得庄辛的话不错,赶紧派人把庄辛找回来,问他有什么办法;庄辛很诚恳地说:“我听说过,看见兔子牙想起猎犬,这还不晚;羊跑掉了才补羊圈,也还不迟。……”

Once there was a farmer, raising dozens of sheep grazing during the day and night, driven into a stake in the use of firewood and other objects enclosed sheepfold.
One morning, the sheep herders to find a missing sheep. The original sheepfold broke a hole in the night the wolf came from holes drilled to a sheep ran off.
Neighbor advised him, said:. "Rush to fix the pen, cover the hole right"
He said: "The sheep have been lost, but also to repair the sheepfold do?" Did not accept the advice of well-meaning neighbors.
The next morning, he went to sheep and found a sheep and less. The original wolf got into the fold and from the hole, and ran off with a sheep.
The pastoralists regret not recognized directly affected by the neighbor's advice, to take timely remedial measures. So he hastened to cover the hole, and from the whole strengthening, the sheepfold repair was firmly real real.
Since then, the sheep herders have never been wolf Diao gone.
Herders story tells us: mistakes, setbacks, this is a common phenomenon. Just can draw lessons, to take timely remedial measures can be avoided we continue to make mistakes, to suffer greater losses.


  • 亡羊补牢的英语小故事

  • 158文章网作文写作
  • 今天跟大家说一个故事,叫做亡羊补牢,这故事出自“战国策”。话说战国时,楚国有一个大臣,名叫庄辛,有一天对楚王说: “你在宫里面的时候,左边是州侯,右边是夏侯;出去的


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