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This Saturday is my birthday and my parents will hold a simple celebrating party for me. I am glad to invite you to come to the party. Blair, Emma and Roan will also be invited. I am sure we will have a good time. We will have dinner at 18:30 so that you are wished to come at 18:15. After the dinner, we will play some small games and then eat the cake. My parents and I sincerely expect you to come and hope to see you then.

After twenty years of I, maybe become a real angel in white. In the operation stage, ward, to heal the wounded and rescue the dying for duty, due diligence. At that time, I want to invent a new kind of medicine, let the disabled to re grow new body; I want to invent a new kind of eye drops, let those who have not seen the light, see the light, can see our colorful life; I will also set up a electronic technology hospital, the use of high technology medical technology to enable patients to heal the wounded and rescue the dying, healthy hospital discharge, happy life.
In the age of reality television, many are left wondering where the glitz and glamour of old time Hollywood has gone, including Nicole Kidman.在电视真人秀时代,许多人想知道好莱坞过去星光灿烂的明星们去哪了,包括妮可基德曼。"I actually don't even know what a movie star is now – what is a movie star?" she asks in the Hollywood Reporter.“实际上我甚至不636f70797a686964616f335知道现在什么是电影明星——什么是电影明星?”她在《好莱坞报道》中问道。"When the best female part of the year is Claire Danes in Homeland, you know the game's changed. Maybe in the '50's, there was a far more particular idea for a movie star. But now that's all blurry – everything's more fluid," she says.“当今年大部分时候最佳女性是在《国土安全》中的克莱尔,你知道游戏在改变。也许在50年代,对电影明星有一个更特定的想法。但现在都是模糊的——一切都更加易变,”她说。Although the Oscar winning actress, 45, has led an illustrious life on and off screen, her 10-year marriage to Tom Cruise (which ended in 2000) is still a topic of conversation.尽管这位奥斯卡获奖女演员,45岁,荧幕内外都过着显赫的生活,她与汤姆克鲁斯10年的婚姻(截至2000年)仍然是谈论的话题。"I've chosen not to speak publicly about Scientology. I have two children [adopted with Cruise] who are Scientologists – Connor [the Red Dawn actor is now 17] and Isabella [20] – and I utterly respect their beliefs," she says.“我选择不公开谈论科学教。我有两个孩子(与克鲁斯领养的)都信科学教-康纳[这位《赤色黎明》的演员现在17岁了]和伊莎贝拉[20岁]——我完全尊重他们的信仰,”她说。But Kidman – who is now married to country singer and American Idol judge Keith Urban – is no stranger to controversy herself. In The Paperboy, a scene in which she urinates on Zac Efron has raised some eyebrows, but she insists it's no big deal.但基德曼——现在嫁给了乡村歌手也是“美国偶像”的评委凯斯厄本,她自己对争议并不陌生。在《报童》中,一个场景中她尿淋扎克-埃夫隆也引起了一些非议,但她坚持认为这没什么大不了的。"I just don’t find urination shocking," she says. "I think I peed in the beginning of Eyes Wide Shut, too. But then, I don’t find a lot of things shocking! Violence is a lot more shocking than sex – sex is primal."“我只是不觉得排尿令人震惊,”她说。“我想我在《大开眼戒》的开始也尿过。但那时我没有发现很多令人震惊的事情!暴力比性更令人震惊——性是原始的。”

A: I’m a reporter from XX Daily, as you know, the job market is getting tougher and tougher now, but you have got a good position in Microsoft China when facing a lost of competitors with several years working experience. How do you think an interview’s importance?
B: Sure. As a well-known fact, the "job for life" is gone - the world is changing so fast, which results in the job market getting increasingly competitive. Most people will need to change jobs at least every few years or so. So you can't get hired without shining at the interview. And as well, your earnings will be dictated by how well you perform!
A: But in fact, how to do well in an interview seems a quite difficult thing for a lot fresh graduates. Then what’s your open sesame(诀窍) for your own success?
B: Well, doing well in an interview can be easy if you understand how to prepare and know what to expect! It's crucial to prepare properly for a job before the interview.
A: That’s true. Precautions avert perils. Could you please explain it in detail?
B: Yeah, of course. First of all, you should feel supremely confident in all situations! As you know, there’s no recruiter would like to hire a person without confidence when facing problems. Second, you should prepare for answering frequently-asked questions. The last but it’s no less important, you’d have to train yourself what to say to the tricky questions.
A: Right, I can’t agree with you more. But you know, a lot of job-seeker who can’t make it finally even they think they’ve performed well in an interview, do you think what the root cause is?
B: Interview success is not just about knowing the questions. It's also about what is behind the question. For example, what do you think they are getting at when they say: "Tell me about a typical week?" Are they just interested in what you do, or is there something else behind the question? Surely they want to know something about you characters. You should convince them that you’re a responsible person instead of your carelessness.
A: Terrific, that’s exactly true. Thank you very much for your kindness to share your valuable experience in job-seeking. But for the sake of our interview time, I’d have to give it to and end now. After all, I suppose all the readers will appreciate for your help. Wish you a brilliant future in Microsoft!
B: I’m very glad to do that and you’re welcome. After all, thank you for your best wishes.
:Behind the Gold Medal
Reporter: Congratulate you on earning all round champions!祝贺你获得全能项目的金牌!
Yang Wei: Thank you!谢谢!
Reporter: At the moment can you tell us your feeling?你能告诉我们你此时此刻的心情吗?
Yang Wei: Very excited and happy.很激动,也很高兴.
Reporter: What do you want to say best?你现在最想说些什么?
Yang Wei: Thank my coach my parents my close players and all the friends who support me fully. Thank you very much!感谢我的教练、我的父母、我亲密无间的队友e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e58685e5aeb9338们以及所有权利支持我的朋友们.谢谢你们!
Reporter: Your coach is very kind to you isn't he?你的教练对你非常好,对吗?
Yang Wei: Yes. But very stict with me. He was quite strict in every movement during the training sometimes it seemed to be a little severe.是的.但对我非常严格,他对我训练中的每一个动作要求都相当严格,有时似乎有点苛刻.
Reporter: I think it is very helpful to you.我想这对你很有帮助.
Yang Wei: Now I understand it completely. Except that my players are always correcting my unperfect movements. I'm very thankful to them.现在我完全理解.除此之外,我的队友也总给我纠正不完美的动作,我非常感激他们.
Reporter: Thank you for your time. Best wishes for you!谢谢你接受我们的采访.祝福你!
对话1:That's Too Perfect
Bob: Did you watch the performance of gymnastics last night?昨天晚上的体操表演你看了吗?
Jim: Of course. I like it best. He Kexin won uneven bars and her performance was too perfect!当然,我太喜欢了.何可欣赢得了高低杠金牌.她的表演太精彩了!
Bob: Last night her performance looked so relaxed and graceful.昨天晚上她的表演看上去是那样的轻松自如,优美娴熟.、、、
Jim: She was quite an experienced gymnast! Not only the performance was perfect but also the movements were quite to the music.她是个相当有经验的体操运动员,不但表演漂亮,动作和音乐的配合也完美无比.
Bob: Right. The movement that she balanced herself on the strength with a single arm was so wonderful that all the audience stood up.说得对.它用一只手臂的力量保持整个身体平衡的那个动作做得如此出色,以致于所有的观众都站起来了.
Jim: En. It needs quite good skills and physical strength to do that.嗯.那需要相当高的技术和力量.
Bob: Yes. Her landing was also swift and sure.对,她的落地也同样轻快娴熟.




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