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gre issue作文考哪几类题目,例如科技等




  1. When children make mistakes, they should be punished. Do you think so? How should they be punished? 孩子犯错应否惩罚

  2. Some people think that the environmental problems are too big for individuals to solve. Others, however, believe that the problems cannot be solved if individuals do not take some actions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.个人努力有助环境保护e5a48de588b6e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193361

  3. Because of traffic and housing problems in the cities,the government encourages businesses to move to the rural area. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?企业外迁好坏

  4. In modern society, it is possible to go shopping, work and communicate via the Internet without face-to-face contact with one another. To what extent do you think this is a positive or negative development?网上交流是好是坏

  5. Advertising discourages people from being different individuals by making them look the same. Do you agree or disagree?广告让人们失去个性

  6. Now there are more and more crimes all over the world. What are the causes? How to solve the problem? 犯罪增多何解

  7. Space travel has been possible for some time and some people think space tourism could be developed in the future. To what extent do you think this is a positive or negative development?太空旅游是否值得开发

  8. In some countries the average weight of people is increasing and their levels of health and fitness are decreasing. What do you think are the causes of these problems and what measures could be taken to solve them? 在一些国家,人们的体重在增加,健康指数在下降,请分析这些问题的原因以及提出解决方法?

  9. Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. Others believe that children who are taught to co-operate rather than compete become more useful adults.

  10. Some people think that teachers should be responsible for teaching students how to judge right and wrong and how to behave well, some say that teachers should only teach students about academic subjects. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 教师的责任

一般分为以下几类:1. 学习教育类 2.科技传媒类 3.艺术类 4.社会行为类 5.机构领域类 6.法律个人类。想要查看gre issue的高分作文可以到智课网。




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