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The new semester again, I graduated from is a step closer examination. Admitted to good schools, I developed a new semester program.
1. I want to finish my homework seriously.
2. in the face of the problem is not the time to ask the students or teachers.
3. do some exercises.
4. more than the weekend reviewing previously learned knowledge.
5. to practice speaking English.
6. spare time to read some books.
In the new semester I hope I get better results. Admitted to a good school.

The winter holiday is going to end and a new term will begin one month later.
So I need to make a plan list of what to do for the new term in advance.

To prepare for a term because I am student.I‘m going to work harder to make myself admitted by my parents.On the latest day to the new term,I'll go to buy some new school things:some books,pens ,an eraser and a basketball.

I will be in the third grade in the next term.Sin ce the highschool entrance examination is coming soon, there is a great need for me to make a precise plan of my studies.
From September to November,I will follow the teachers in the new lessons learning, and after class , the contemporary exercises are necessary.
Before the end of the first term, I will review all the lessons from beginning again.
From March to April, review all I have learned a second time.
Beginning from April, models tests should be the all.Several days before the exam, I will go over all the mistakes in the papers and have a good rest for the exam.


  • 英语作文。。《下学期学习计划》

  • 158文章网作文写作
  • 新的学期又来了,我离毕业考试又近了一步。为了考上好的学校,我制定了新学期的学习计划。1.我要认真完成我的家庭作业。2.在遇到不会的题的时候去请教同学或老师。3.多做一些练


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