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my school 小学 英语作文



My school is very beautiful .I love my school .There are a lot of flowers and grass ,when we are free ,we always go to see the fiowers.Teachers are also very kind ,they usually help us with study.students are frendly, I always play with them. I have stayed there for 6 years ,and I love my school.

Hello, everybody. I am a middle school student. My school is not very big, but it is very clean and beautiful.

In spring, there are lots of fragrant flowers open. We are all happy. Some of the flowers are red, and the others are yellow and pink. I like the winter jasmines best, because it makes us feel happy.

In summer, we never feel hot because there are a lot of trees in our school. They give us a cool and refreshing breeze when we walk past the trees. How happy we are!e799bee5baa6e4b893e5b19e365

Autumn is my favorite season. It is not too cold or too hot. Sometimes it gives us a lot of rain. Chrysanthemums are out in this season. Most of the time, my school is so beautiful.

The ground is covered with snow in winter. The world becomes white. I like this colour best. It looks pure. Do think my school is beautiful?

Welcome to our school.

My Shool
I am a student in Grade Three .There are fifty five days left and I’m going to leave my school---Zunde middle school .I still remember what I did and what I learnt there .I used to play on the playground with my best friends ,but those won't happen in this school .I really don’t want to leave my friends and our school .Wherever I go ,I will never forget Zunde middle school ,I will never forget my best friends .




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