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大学英语作文 My Studying Plan 要求请写出详尽的本学期英语学习计划。150-2



It is a new term now, and I hope I can do the best, so I make a plan for my English learning.
First, I will pay attention to listen to the teacher on the class, and if I don't do it, I will recite a passage for the class.
Second, I will do my homework carefully and hand it in on time. If I don't do it, I will write a whole passage 3 times.
Third, I will do the dictation on time and finish it well.If I don't do it well, I will do what the teacher want to.
Forth, I will try my best in the exam, and I will make a progress. If I fail in the exam, the teacher could call my parents.

My Studying Plan

My goal is to reach the first positions in the class. I really want to be the best, but I know others may be better than I am. However I will do my best to reach my goal.

When I have questions or problems, I will strive to solve them. I will ask teachers how to solve the problems. If my classmates could help me, I will try to get their help. When I have studying problems, I will also ask my parents and get their advices.

I will study hard. At class I will listen to teacher atttentively. After class I will do homework carefully. Through my endeavor I think I can study better and reach my goal.

my studing plan
Maybe many people think ,study is diffecult ,and it's not interesting.but now I want to tell you ,study is easy.If you have a study plan.you will have a good grade like me . I have a study plan,; the first is read famous books,and then do the homework careful,and ask for your teacher about quetions. This is my studying plan


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