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Heavy fog hit many parts of China, affecting land, air and sea transportation. In Central China’e69da5e6ba90e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94330s Henan province, local Meteorological authorities have issued as many as 25 fog warnings. And in North China’s Hebei province, many expressways are closed.
Air pollution will remain a serious problem in China as long as coal continues to be the country's major energy source. According to official figures and as quoted in our report "The True Cost of Coal", black fossil fuel is responsible for 85% of China's sulfur dioxide, 67% of nitrogen oxides and 70% of particulate matter emissions
Fortunately, the solution to the problem is simple: stop burning coal. Greenpeace is working on reducing China's reliance on coal, in favor of clean, renewable energy. For more on what we are doing, you can visit our section on coal.
In the short-term, there are also many intermediate solutions for air pollution. However, all of these solutions require governments to recognize the impact of air pollution on public health and the economy, and take action immediately.

Hoping that you'll adopt it.Good luck
第四行which lasted for about three weeks 更好,后面可以加一句we must take actions tofight for cleaner air here are some measure in any event 有一些有效的措施,然后e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e59b9ee7ad94365引出正题更好
第二段第一句用it was really serious that xxxx更好,因为是强调句型,老师加分
第八行改为saw the xxx

第九行第一句改为opinion vary from person to person 。as for me,i am in sympathy with that we should live in a cleaner life. 更好些

最后一段总结你得写一个语法高级的句子,我写的是if the condition being favourable, we may succeed.Greener air, Cleaner life前面的句子是独立主格,作文中写出来至少加3分,后面的句子照应文题,突出中心,我发现你没有使用过很多作文用词,我给你推荐一些,作文中用到既省词数又显水平高,参考这个就行http://wenku.baidu.com/view/7472aed276a20029bd642df6.html不会问我

您好:The environment around us has suffered serious damage, take recently around the fog haze weather.

On January 28, China's central and eastern regions in a broad range of haze weather, the ash haze area exceeds 100 square kilometers. The national meteorological center outside the fog warning, also issued a haze of blue warning signal

Is that when the haze of relative humidity is not big, and the relative humidity in the fog is saturated (such as the presence of a large number of condensation nuclei, relative humidity 100% saturated) may appear not necessarily.

Haze weather graphic symbol average relative humidity is less than 80% when the atmospheric turbidity of blurry vision led to the deterioration of visibility is caused by haze, when relative humidity is more than 90% of atmospheric turbidity blurry vision led to the deterioration of visibility is caused by fog, when relative humidity between 80-90% of atmospheric turbidity blurry vision led to the deterioration of visibility is caused by a mixture of haze and fog together, but its main component is haze. The thickness of the haze is thick, up to 1-3 km. Haze and fog, cloud, with no obvious boundary between sky area, haze particles distribution is more even, and the scale of the ash haze particles is small, from 0.001 micron to 10 microns, the average diameter of about 1 to 2 micron, invisible to the naked eye of air floating particles. Because the particles such as dust, sulfuric acid, nitric acid haze, the longer light scattering wavelength is more, so look yellow or orange gray haze.

Haze formation has three elements: one is the physical base of granularity dust generated source. Our country has the world's largest in loess plateau area, the soil texture are the most easy to granularity dust particles. The second is movement caused by dust. The middle of the road, for example, flower beds and street after rain or water in the soil of the road opposite sides-to hold if any mud flow to the road, an hour after drying, was the wheel a spin can cause a lot of dust, even if the particulate material falls back to earth, also can by car drove by, was once again to the city. Three is the difference in dust source and movement process of concentration within a certain space, TB gathered into a haze particles with water molecules. Now, more than 350 cities in flat loess plateau region in our country, the fog haze of the three elements of structure quite abundant stocks.

My friends, the earth would damage like this? What's the reason to continue to be broken? Let's take action together to protect our earth.





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