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初三关于学生诚信的英语作文 含翻译



There is an old Chinese saything,Man Can't Live Without Honesty,which suggests the importance of honesty.To be honest means that we should treat people heart and soul.In no case should we cheap others .We should do as we say.On the other hand ,when we make a promose,we should try to keep our word.In case we can't,we should explain why and let them know as soon as possible.
Nobody likes dishonesty,so people who are honest can always gain others' repect and friendship.Only in an honest way are we able to make more friends and gain their cooperation.
• this morning i went to the english corner which is in the
park near my home. it is three years since it was founded. many
middle school students as well as college students and foreigners
take part in the activity
. people there practice speaking english by
talking about something interesting. people also exchange the
experience in english learning. i think it is a good chance for me to
use what i have learnt in my english class. i felt very cool after i
got back home. i’e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e78988e69d83333ll try my best to learn english better, for it is so
widely used in the world.

The Low-carbon Economic
Nowadays,with more and more serious problems such as the increasing global temperture,the melting ice and the rising sea-levering,people are recognizing the important of developing the low-carbon economic now.
There are many ways we can do to reach the loe-carbon economic.Fristly,discovering others fuels which is more clean and more green to instead of the using of carbon.Secondly, we should have the save-energy conscious and do something which we can make,for instance,using the bus ranther than car when you go out,re-use the thing that can be recycle used,reducing the use of plastic bags.Last but not least,we should plant more trees or other greenplants,in which way we can not only improve the environment,but also can make our home more beauty.
In my opnion, the most important thing to reach the low-carbon economic is everyone must try their best do what they can do for it.Once everyone have the sence of low-carbon economic and have the action by themselves ,it will be earlier to reach it.




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