Sending criminals to prison is not the effective method to deal with them. Education and job training should be used instead. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 将犯罪分子送进监狱不是有效的方式解决犯罪,我们应该给他们提供接受教育和工作培训的机会,是否认同?
Research suggests that majority of criminals who send to prison would commit crimes when set free, what do you think of this case? What can be done to solve this problem?持续犯罪的原因以及解决途径?
首段:背景介绍 + 原题观点 + 作家立场
尾段:再次亮明观点+ 总结理由
1. 犯罪的形态不同,对于重刑犯或者屡教不改者,犯罪已是一种习惯,是报复他们认为不公的社会。因此,种罪重罚,延长刑期更加有效合理,因为这体现了法律的公正,对于受害者以及家属是一种精神安慰,更重要的是,这对于潜在的犯罪分子有威慑作用。
2. 对于一些少年犯e79fa5e98193e58685e5aeb9366罪者,过失犯罪者,冲动犯罪者,教育是有效的,教育帮助他们反思人生,明辨是非,增强守法意识,因此,刑期结束后,受过良好教育者更加容易融入社会,开启新的人生。
3. 对于一些服刑者来说,出狱后由于有入狱的经历受到社会和朋友的歧视,同时,找不到谋生的工作,想要开始新生活,心有余力不足,这种情况下,工作技能培训是可取的。
1. criminals = offenders = perpetrators 犯罪分子
2. teenage criminals = young offenders = juvenile law-breakers 少年犯
3. youth crime = teenage crime = juvenile delinquency 少年犯罪
4. domestic violence and parental neglect 家庭暴力和父母的疏于管理
5. sex and violence = pornography and violence 色情和暴力
Many people are afraid to leave their homes because of their fear of crime. Some believe that more actions should be taken to prevent crime, but others feel that little can be done. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
对立双方题型属于大作文的“主流题型”,这一大类分为三小类。就“对想法的限制程度”上来说,这三小类有所区别。广大同学对此应有所理解,以此来使得自己的作文做到好的“task response”。这三小类具体的差别,大家可以看该博客另一篇博文,里面有细致的讲解。
一方: 相关措施对减少社会犯罪率有效的理由
今天考试的雅思写作题目的特点是对想法有比较大的限制,双方的理由必须围绕着一个社会的犯罪率是否因此减少,如果同学们的idea没能往这个点靠拢,那这个 idea就跑题了。做个假设:如果同学们将“政府应该加大惩罚的力度”,“媒体应该让更多人知道一些罪犯是如何设置骗局”,这两个idea作为一方的理 由,这两个想法无法做到很好的切题。因为该题首先考的不是应该采取哪些方式,而是为什么这些方式有效,或者无效!
一方: 相关措施能够减少社会犯罪率的理由
1. 政府采取的严厉的惩罚能够震慑潜在的罪犯
2. 媒体对于常见诈骗方式的报道防止更多的人受骗
1. 犯罪率高很大程度上是一个社会的经济程度发达程度,财富分配,贫富差距来决定的,上述的理由无法根本上,长远的解决问题。
社会的犯罪率部分取决于政府对待罪犯的严厉程度,一个理性的潜在的罪犯将停止对社会的伤害,当他意识到自己可能付出的代价大大超过了可能带来的利益。e68a84e8a2ade799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94332 一个将抢劫犯处以终身监禁的社会所面临的犯罪问题少于其他的更加仁慈社会。
The crime rate of a society is partly determined by the level to which a criminal is penalized. Potential criminals, provided rational enough, will stop their act at the thought that the possible price they might pay would greatly outweigh the possible benefit they may acquire. And the effect of harsher punishment in deterring criminals can also be evidenced by the fact that a society treating a robber with lifelong sentence faces fewer crime problems than its counterparts with more merciful measures.
Nowadays, an ever-INCREASING rate of juvenile delinquency has attracted widespread attention. Youth, variety and high-tech are marked indications of this crime. In the following discussion, I will analyse its reasons and propose my solutions.
As far as I am concerned, there are an array of complicated factors attributed to such phenomenon. First and foremost, excessive media such as Internet ,TV and films are to blame for getting our children access to the bloodY and violent contents. Lacking capacity to distinguish good and evil, they are more likely to imitate the violence and various crimes exposed to them(,) without a recognition that they will regret in the future. Another considerable reason should be mentioned is that teachers and parents only focus on the youth's academic results rather than their interest and psychological problems. As we always give priority to exam scores, those who (cannot) perform well tend to get TOO frustrated to study and take a hostile attitude toWARD ALL OF society. Some of them even commit a crime as a revenge to society when they are /always/FOREVER BEING/ criticized by their teachers and parents.
Considering some of them being in contravention of rules and laws unconsciously, we should not press a charge on them simply or they will stray from right path again in the future. A ""Special care ""DEpartment should be set up in order to enable them to pick up their optimism toWARD the world(,) and their own goals in their lives.With appropriate guidance, they can learn job skills and useful knowledge. Most importantly, effective plans should be implemented to accelerate the reform of education and augment stern supervision on media.
To conclude, we are confronted with an EVER-increasing juvenile delinquency. Thus, joint effort of schools, households and government are needed to afford a healthy and suitable environment for our teenager's growth.
To conclude, we are confronted with an increasing juvenile delinquency. Thus, joint effort of schools, households and government are needed to afford a healthy and suitable environment for our teenager's growth.
大家整理了 雅思写作 话题思路:如何减少犯罪,供考copy生们参考,以下是详细内容。
Some people think the best way to reduce crime is to give longer prison sentence. Others, however, think there are better alternativeways to reduce crime. Discuss and give your opinion.