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In the picture,some able-bodied persons are showing concern to a disabled man who is sitting in a wheelchair.Such scenes of helping the disabled are nowadays not uncommon in our society.It is reported that there are approximately 60 million disabled people in our untry.They
are a disadvantageous group of people in our society who need help both from the government and from the whole society.
In order to help the disabled to lead a normal and meaningful life,our government has taken various measures.However,only the government’s efforts are not enough.The whole society should be concerned over the welfare of the disabled.There are a great many warm-hearted persons voluntarily contribute money to help the disabled,especially those who have lost the ability to make their living.Charity activities,such as charity performances and charity sales,are carried out to raise money for them.Many organizations offer various kinds of service to those disabled people who have inconvenience in their lives.




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