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以 happiness 为题的英语作文



Happiness is just a state, it is not a perfect and eternal, but the mind and the life of an inductive and resonance, and the process of life is abeautiful...... Happiness is a kind of vibration, it like ears will listen to music,need to be present.
Happiness is often dressed in grey coat, wrap up our cordial and warm, verysparingly to spray showers. We don't want the happiness with vigour and vitality, it usually comes quietly. We should not attempt to tighten the tap, so that the loss of happiness quickly, happiness need to quietly to the peaceful heart experience.
Happiness comes in the flat. Poverty brought a cake, a look of trouble have mutual affinity, father a rough touch, his wife handed after a cup of warm tea...... Happiness, happened every moment in the silent and soundlessaround us, only our eyes, there is too much cold, our hearts are toobusy...... Therefore, learn to find happiness, happiness, we must have a heart of Thanksgiving, learn to find happiness, happiness, it is necessary to have a an observant mind, learn to find happiness, happiness is to have asmile, optimistic, positive heart...... So, the harvest season, we're dancing and friends sing, rendering the joy. Since the seed has been the return of the sweat, we have the right to happiness immersion.
So, we gather together of the time from the remotest corners of the globe,don't hesitate after parting. Now every minute, all of it as pure alcohol,burning into the well-being of the light blue flame. Let us toast, said: we are happy.
  所以,当我们能守候在年迈的父母膝下时,哪怕他们鬓发苍苍,哪怕他们垂垂老矣,我们都要对自己说:我很幸福。 因为他们还在我们身边。
So, when can we wait for in the below knee when elderly parents, even if their gray hair on the temples, even if they are old, we have to say to yourself: I am very happy. Because they are still around us.
So, when not all the time, we have to say to yourself: I am very happy.Because we have a healthy body. When we no longer enjoy health, we are still smiled and said: I am very happy. Because I have a healthy heart. Even when our hearts are also no longer exist, we can still to the universe loudlysay: I am very happy. Because I have lived.
Finally understand that happiness is a feeling, feel, is to have. Cherish what you have, is happiness.

Happiness means different things to different people. For example, some people believe that if they have lots of money, they will be happy. They believe that if they are wealthy, they will be able to do anything they want, which means happiness. On the other hand, some people believe that holding a high position in the government is happiness. In this way, you have not onlymoney, but also many other things which can't be bought by money.
However, other people believe that having lots of money is not happiness nor is holding a high position in the government. These people value their beliefs, or their intelligence, or their health. They think these can make them happy.
For me, happiness is closely tied to my studies, my work and my family. When I made great progress in my studies, when I made contributions to the society through my work, when all the members in my family live in harmony, sharing good and sad times, I was happy. Although the definition of happiness depends on each individual my "wealth" of happiness is in my studies, my work, and my family.


  • 以 happiness 为题的英语作文

  • 158文章网作文写作
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