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英语作文大全初一big sale



my plan at the weekend

My name is Wang Juan,I have many things to do at the weekend.In the Saturday morning,I will watch a new movie with my classmates.I will do my homework and help my mother with some housework in the afternoon.In the evening, I will take a walk with my parents and review the knowledge whicn I learnt from school.On Sunday,I want to have a picnic with my best friend .I think it will be a busy but wonderful weekend.

yesterday,Isaw businesses engaged in promotional activities.
1, New Year gifts
The main development Tieguanyin, Dahongpao, black tea, white tea and refreshments, a total of 11 models gifts Category 5, namely:
Tieguanyin series "Wang Yun m1050" (suggested retail price of 1380 yuan + box).
"Soothing m900" (suggested retail price of 720 yuan + box);
"Jiuxiangxintongshu" m850 "(suggested retail price of 560 yuan + box);
"Beautiful drink t25" (suggested retail price of 350 yuan + box);
Dahongpao series "blessing respect" (suggested retail price of 1200 yuan + box);
"Drunk Red" (suggested retail price of 800 yuan + box).
"On magenta" tea Series (suggested retail price of 700 yuan + box);
"Roman style" (suggested retail price of 460 yuan + box).
White tea series "White Rose" (suggested retail price of 600 yuan + box);
"Crescent white" (suggested retail price of 300 yuan + box).
FUGUI spree "(with refreshments mainly suggested retail price 180 yuan)
2, promotion of new products
Promotion of new products to existing stocks tea and refreshments, according to price-based re-group with a total development (3), respectively:
"Five Tigers send blessing" (suggested retail price of between 300-500 yuan)
"Five Blessings" (suggested retail price of between 100-300 yuan)
"Fu Joy" (suggested retail price of $ 100 or below)
I walked all the way to see, buy a lot of merchandise.




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