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Nowadays, we can see notable advertisement here and there. However, many of those advertisements will mislead audience, especially food advertisements which has caused many food safety problems. As far as I'm concerned, people have the right to chase after notables. But companies should use notable advertisement as less as they can, especially when it is related to food. What ‘7a686964616fe59b9ee7ad94334s more, notables must be responsible for their advertisements. They shouldn't advertise for those bad aids so that people won’t follow them and take any risk.At last, people should develop their own sense of food safety and avoid eating wrong food.


At no moment in history has the issue of ________ been a more common occurrence than now.

The reasons for this phenomenon can be listed as follows. One is that, ______. Another important reason lies in ______.

Obviously, ______ incur a lot of disturbing effects. Undoubtedly your purse will suffer if you come across ______. Accordingly, it is a waste of ______. What’s worse, you can easily find numerous cases of the harmfulness of ______. Therefore it is high time that we took some actions to fight against ______. As for the government, they should enforce ______ laws. Meanwhile, we ______ should obtain the sense of ______ and also join the campaign.

In brief, a healthy ______ environment depends on everyone’s effort and in turn, everyone will benefit from it.


n recent years there has been an experienced growing tendency in ___________(提出现象)e68a84e799bee5baa6331. For that, I think it is not an occasional phenomenon.

A number of factors might contribute to (account for) the phenomenon. Parts of the explanations for it is that __________(原因1)__________. For example, __________(原因2)__________ is also responsible for the problem, such a case as __________.

The significance of ________ is far-reaching; it might exert a profound influence on __________(结论)__________.


nowadays, we often hear that _____________________(提出一种要探讨的现象). This phenomenon is not accidental, and there are social and individual background.

Why cannot ________________?

For one thing, ____________________(现象产生的原因1)__________. For another, ________________(举例说明)_________________. For instance, ____________(现象产生原因2)______________. Form that we _____________. As far as I am concerned, I agree that ________________. I think that ____________(作者本人的观点)_____________________. (四)

When asked about ________, a vast majority (a sizable percentage) of people claim (answer) that ___________(提出一种看法)________.

Contrary to the widely-held belief, I prefer __________(自己的看法)________________.

Come to Tom's supermarket! Everything that has to do with balls, we have it! Basketball for the streets and courts, volley-ball for the beach, football for the field, and tennis! You name it, we have it. Do you want to be the next olympic champion? Start working towards it today and get it from Tom's supermarket! Everything cheap, cheap, cheaper! One for 10 dollars and two for fifteen dollars!







Our shoe polish is surely of the first rate;
It shines your shoes and you look great.


Applying “Dabao” morning and night
Makes your skincare a real delight.




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