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On December 13, 10 PM
Jim next Monday to New York next week, no time to meet with you. He hope at 9 a.m. on Friday 30 and meet you, discuss cooperation, if you are free, I hope you as soon as possible after receipt to call Jim.

Hi,everyone. I am a tour guide from the China International travel agency. First of all, welcome to Nanchang, Jiangxi province. Nanchang is a 'red city' in China for it's Bayi uprising, here was the place where the first revolution shoot happened, And of course, there are many place of interests in Nanchang, The most famous place is Tengwang Tower. Standing west of Nanchang, on the banks of the Ganjiang River, Tengwang Tower is among the three most famous towers south of the Changjiang River, along with Crane and Yueyang in Wuhan and Yueyang. Built in 653 in the Tang Dynasty, it was burnt down in 1926 and rebuilt in 1989. The Song-style Tengwang Tower has a floor space of 130,000 square meters and measures 57.5 meters in height. The roofs are double caved, and the beams and columns are colorfully painted. The purpose of our travel agency is make you have a good time in China. You can tell us if you need any help and we'll asist you try our best. I hope everyone can understand us and cooperate with us. Thank you ! 尊重原e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e58685e5aeb9363创,谢谢采纳~

王浩申请工作e68a84e8a2ade79fa5e98193362 Candidate application form (中间)
Dear Zedro Company:
My name is WangHao. You can see I am honored to self-application. I see from the Internet companies are recruited Zedro Ping administrator adminstrator post, I think they have the qualifications to be Ping. In this work, I have also had the administrator's experience. I think I know this work, but also capable of performing this work. I want to serve your company. Look forward to the opportunity to interview. If your company needs to fill out the application form, please let me know. Thank you

Wang Hao (右下)
June 22, 2011


  • 英语B级作文。急

  • 158文章网作文写作
  • On December 13, 10 PMJim next Monday to New York next week, no time to meet with you. He hope at 9 a.m. on Friday 30 and meet you, discuss cooperation
  • 英语B级的作文有多少分

  • 158文章网作文写作
  • 肯定是15分的啦15分把B级 考试的总分为100分 ,60分即可通过。一年考两次百 第一次6月份 第二次12月份B级总体水平和高中度差不多,不会很难。要是高中时候,英语水平有110-120的话,考
  • 英语B级的作文有多少分?

  • 158文章网作文写作
  • 总分100听力15 选择15 阅读理解:40 英翻中15 作文1515分把B级 考试的总分为100分 ,60分即可通过。一年考两次zd 第一次6月份 第二次12月份B级总体水平和高中差不多,不会很难。要是高中时
  • 英语b级作文

  • 158文章网作文写作
  • from my perspective 我认为(代替I think这种怂词copy,还可百以用I maintain,as for me,as far as Im concerned,from where I stand等等a multitude of大量的(代替a lot of)英语还是要扎度扎实实


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