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To many people,education is a very important problem.It is known that people who want to make difference(有所作为)e69da5e6ba907a64338almost have education,which can help one improve oneself.
In China,student can learn lessons in all kinds of schools,such as primary school(小学),high school, univisity and so on.Students can learn various of subject,such as Chinese,English,Maths and so on.
But I think that the Chinese students are quite tired,expeciall the high student.In order to enter the univisity,they have to spend their most time on study in school.They have enough time to have a good rest in everyday life.Do yo think that we should do something useful to change this situation

对很多人来说,教育是一个很重要problem.it是大家都知道的人,要提出差异(有所作为) ,几乎都受过教育,可以帮助一个提高自身素质。
在中国,学生可以从中吸取教训,在所有类型的学校,如小学(小学) ,高中, 大学等可以学习不同的学科,如中文,英文,数学等。
但我认为,中国学生是相当疲惫, 尤其是高中生为了进入大学,他们要花费他们大多数时间在研究和学习.他们有了足够的时间,才能有一个良好的休息,在日常生活中,我们应该做一些有益的事情,要改变这一状况

Having good education conveys not only a vast of opportunities for the future but also theresponsibility of valuing it through our lifetime.Nomatterhowfinanciallyunstablethefamilyis,itis always important for them to gain a good education they can acquire. It is indeed because education cannot be stolen by anyone. Education from books gives us a wide source of information and can ever to places we have never imagined. Learning through experiences, as they say is the best teacher, for we all know that we learn through our mistakes and remember each and every lesson from it. And yet, at the end, the key to good education, is not on how
expensive or exclusive thischool we are in to, nor on how great looking the uniforms or things we have, not even on how high the technology we used in learning but how we value each
lessons we learned and the people involve in it, our family, teachers and friends, and also with how we put our God given opportunity of education into great use that can help make a better world.



  • 关于教育的英语作文

  • 158文章网作文写作
  • 中国教育的不用英文写,美国的才用。是不是这个道理?To many people,education is a very important problem.It is known that people who want to make difference(有所作为)e69da5e6ba907a6


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