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Western education is a kind of try to education, let the students try to experience, the difficulties found in the experience, and then found the problem, by the students themselves in solving difficulties in accumulating test conclusion.That is the result of real students own knowledge.China's education is a kind of aftertaste force-feeding education, adult experience told students first, lets the student step-by-step, step by step in teachers under the guidance of learning practice, then come to a conclusion is the book knowledge, the result it is often difficult to jump out of the existing fixed mode.

Online Education
Recent years,there has taken a great rise on online education,this way of teaching make people feel very convinient,they can study at any time and any places,only if they have the computers to go onlie.
The reasons of this phenomenon,I think has two reasons.the frist reason is the developementof the computer.at last decade,the computers which are mostly in the reseach institution had came onto thousands of families.they brought the informations from any corner in the world,go along with this,the education style has improved a lot,the second reason I think is the rage of the studying people becoming wider,they are all kinds of society members,for example,the workers,managers and even some old people,they can study without go to school at a certain time and receive the online.
In my own practice,I think it advisable to study on line,but at the same timewe should control ourselves to avoid other interruptions,such as study but with QQ opened,in order to ensure the quality of studying,I hope the online education can play a good role for us!e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e58685e5aeb9361

China is the examination-oriented education, history and reality and, of course, is examination-oriented education in a large population
National talent to choose a relatively low cost. However, the results of the examination-oriented education is to train
Students from a general lack of innovation. Some people say: "Why can not a Chinese one Nobel
Prize winner. "Maybe this is the reason.
Education in the United States or the West in many countries, focus on quality education. Concern for each individual student's
Development, and encourage them to open the wings thinking, encourage students to contribute to innovation




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