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关于虎妈的英语作文点评专家:赵秀凤,中国石油大学外国语学院教授、博士,全国英语创新大赛顾问委员会副主任e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e4b893e5b19e337,第十届、第十一届全国创新英语大赛评委,关于虎妈的英语作文。参寒佳作姓名:何姝婧学校:襄樊市第五中学成绩:97Have you ever heard about such a story?On [1] liffle eagle’ s[2] growing older andcovering [3] with shining feathers, old eaglewill cast it out of the nest. The little eagle learns[4] to fly due to the scare of death. However,when it’ s back home, old eagle breaks his chil-d’s bones of wings. Once recovering, the pooreagle will be thrown[5] again. Over and overagain, the wings of liffle eagle will becomemuch stronger. This land of training sees to it[6] that liffle eagle is capable of flying high inthe pure blue sky.I guess you must be aware of the mean-ing of the story, that is, strict parenting way isalso a way of showing love, although this deeplove usually hides behind criticizing and toughfamily rules.Shortly after my book, Baffle Hymn ofthe Tiger Mom, is published in America, it’saWarent that I have raised a storm amongAmericans[7], which is about the differencesof [8] parenting way between Clunese andAmerican. I’m on board with traditional Chin-ese parenting way mainly based on Confucius’s theory[9].It is widely aclmowledged that Americanparents are qute mercy, for they give their chil-dren much freedom and space to create some-thing new, to have their personal life. But it alsocauses a problem that children may get into thehabit of being not so serious about their study.So you seeL[10], a growing number of Ameri-can parents are complaining about their child-ren’ s low marks. In addition, they don’t know,as a proverb runs, \"You cannot sellthe cow anddrink the milk\". Honey, what you should keepin nund is that no sweet without sweat. Onlywhen you welcome[11]the heavy rain bravelycan you eventually see the rainbow peep out be-hind the clouds!Don’ t blame your tiger mother for herwicked, cruel and cold-hearted parenting way.Every time I push you towards the piano or the studying table, I cannot but feel hurt to face yourtears rounding in the eyes. I feel grulty to punish you when you don’t[12] get an A in exams [13].How hard it is for a mother to treat her child likethis! Albeit sad, I can’t stop doing these. Child-ren naturally prefer a free environment, so youwouldn’t be ready to work hard, which other-wise will waste your potential.Maybe you’re dissatisfied with me, but I do hope you can appreciate whatl’ve done for you. I merely lead you a bright road so that youwon’t go on a wrong direction, and there stillremains a long distance you need[14] to coverby your own energy, with nobody to countL[15]on. Believe in yourself! I  《关于虎妈的英语作文》  〔关于虎妈的英语作文〕【征服畏惧、建立自信的最快最确实的方法,就是去做你害怕的事,直到你获得成功的经验。】

As well as the Tiger Mother’e68a84e799bee5baa6338s opinion, there are truthfully a number of differences between the education of Chinese parents and Western parents.
In the first place, I think, the biggest one is that Chinese parents held the view that their children should follow their orders absolutely, while Western parents pay attention to build up the children's sense of self-determination and the ability of self-thinking. Secondly, the Chinese parents think that they know better about their children's needs. What's exactly differs form this, the Western parents hope their kids to select their own habits and personalities. Thirdly, the Chinese parents set a high standard to their kids and expect their kids would perform better. On the contrary, the Western parents are only too care for their kids' feelings and emotions.
Anyway, in my opinion, I think there's no best way to teach our children, we should pick up the good sorts of the Chinese parents' views and the Western parents' opinions of education. Only in this way, can we develop a better and smarter next-generation


  • 有没有关于虎妈教育的英语作文

  • 158文章网作文写作
  • [关于虎妈的英语作文] 关于虎妈的英语作文点评专家:赵秀凤,中国石油大学外国语学院教授、博士,全国英语创新大赛顾问委员会副主任e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e4b893e5b19e337,第十届、第十


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