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First,AmericanEducation tells students that study is just to study forthemselves for the purpose of making them study without stress from theirparents and society and letting them to think,to learn about they want,whichmakes American students learn flexibly and actively.With regard to ChinaEducation,it always makes some complex regulations for students to tell themlearn what should be learned,how to learn and even when they should learn.As aresult,students in China regard study as one kind of task,and get used todealing with the homework passively.
Second,as for theaspect about the purpose of education,America Education attachs a littleimportance to the study on basic knowledge but thinks highly of the cultivationof creativity, while in China,education pays more attention to the basicknowledge and ignores the cultivation of students’e799bee5baa6e59b9ee7ad94333creativity and thinkingability.Therefore,in America students who get low grades tend to have highability while in China students who get high grades don’t have enough abilityto adapt to the development of society.
Third,concerning the condition in class between China and America,we candraw a conclusion that the class in China pays attention to discpline while theclass in America pays attention to humans right.On the one hand,China Educationis good at giving a conclusion to students and chinses teachers will try theirbest to help students with solving all the problems put forward fromstudents.But in America’class,teachers are used to giving students somespiration to make them think more and more problems by themselves.On the otherhand,in chinese class,if students disagree with teachers’opinions,they will becritized by teachers,but in America’class students will be praised if they putforward new views which are differnt from their teachers’.
Fourth,I think it is the most important aspect which can basically pointout the root difference between China Edcation and America Edcation.It is aboutthe difference in the examination.USA examination often offers an openenvironment to students to finish their exam so long as they hand in theiranswer paper within the limiting time.But in China,when faced with anexam,chinese students always feel nervous as if there are beasts in front ofthem.And in China the purpose of examination is just to test out students’abilitywhile American test aims to find the problem,its existing gaps in order tofacilitate development.
Fifth,about the difference on establishments of curricula andspecialty,American education aims at adapting for society demand,theyexplicitly stipulate three big functions:ducation’service for the establishmentof specialty curriculum is to meet the social need and set up specialcurriculum or specialty which the society needs.In China’s universities,duringquite long period of time ,the establishment of specialty curriculum lacks thechange and could not follow social demand.In the latest few years,the majorityof Chinese universities all started to pay attentio to the transformation andrenewal of specialty curriculum so as tomeet the need of society.
Last,in general,the chinese children arenot allowed to take part in the real social activities but in America thestudents can take part in every activity they want;that is to say,Americanstudents can choose activities to participate in by themseleves.It is said thatthe children in America start to take part in the real activity once they leaveto school.For example,an 8-year-old boy can help other with washing clothes bywhich they can receive at least 8 dollars.Also,those children can play somemusical instruments for the rich to earn some money which they usually use tohold some activities.All in all,in America ,children have all kinds of chancesto contact with social environment.From the point of their view,they thinkeducation is equal to the life.But on the contrary,what chinese students onlydo is to bury themselves into study,which results in their shortage of outdoorability even creativity to adapt the development of society in future.
Through these kinds of comparison,maybe wecan make sense of the reasons why America becomes so strong.A power of acountry not only lies in its economy but also its education.That is to say,education is an important mean to creat more and more excellent people to makethem devote their power to strengthen the country.By comparing,we have to admitthat there have been many imperfections in our system of education.Our countryneeds improvement and the development and our economy needs talent people,so wecan draw a conclusion through comparison that it is high time for our countryto improve our system of education and in the way of going ahead,imitation andinnovation is in need.Only when our country modestly learn from other countriesto take in their advantages in education can our country becomes really strong.


My View on School Education
School eduction has played an important role in people’s life. When reaching three tears old, the little children will go to kindergarten for a preschool education. And then they will take part in the primary school, middle school, high school, college and so on. School eduction almost run through people’s whole life. So it is very important. We all know that thereare many knowledgeable teachers in school will teach the students. But it’s not enough. School eduction needs the coordination of family education. The British educator, Hosea Ballou once said,”Education commences at the mother’s knee, and every word spoken within the hearsay of children tends towards the formation of character. Therefore, we can see that the successful of school education needs the help of family education so that the children can have a perfect education. The promissing future is waiting for them.


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