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the goal of education
nowadays ,there are many debate based on the educational topic,one of them is the perpose of education.
i think the target of education is threefold.
first,help us to be a decent man .this is is the primary goal of education,and it is also of great impportance to everyone of us .most of our value is formed through learning ,thus education can provide a significant role in telling us what is right and what is wrong ,and guide us to persue the kind of life we love
second ,to teach us some techniques,via which we can make a living .the sociaty is a large machine ,it needs all kinds of parts to make it run,everyone is one of those parts ,to do so,we must have something to offer.
third,to drive the progress of science and technology.not everybody can be a scientist or an engineer ,but througheducation someone can be .education can play a decesive role in the this process,one country's scientific level is largely depend on the level of education.

the goal of education
nowadays ,there are many debate based on the educational topic,one of them is the perpose of education.
i think the target of education is threefold.
first,help us to be a decent man .this is is the primary goal of education,and it is also of great impportance to everyone of us .most of our value is formed through learning ,thus education can provide a significant role in telling us what is right and what is wrong ,and guide us to persue the kind of life we love
second ,to teach us some techniques,via which we can make a living .the sociaty is a large machine ,it needs all kinds of parts to make it run,everyone is one of those parts ,to do so,we must have something to offer.
third,to drive the progress of science and technology.not everybody can be a scientist or an engineer ,but througheducation someone can be .education can play a decesive role in the this process,one country's scientific level is largely depend on the level of education.


About education

Education is very important nowadays in our society. In industrialized countries, jobs are very complex and people have to study for a long time and very often they should have training in computer technology.
Fifty years ago, our society was very different. Most people to have a job just needed a basic education.
Generally, people who have university studies have access to better jobs and better salaries. Moreover, they can often choose to work in something they like. I think that education is important because it can help people to have a better standard of life.



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