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Parents are the first teachers of the children
Circulating on the Internet a small story, a 7,8 year old child, on the side of the road to passerby throwing pebbles, child next to parents let children such nonsense. There is a small youth can not be read to children, a child, and later the parents, both sides fought ... ... Story about that, after hearing this story, I feel very complicated.
Say normally, children 7,8 years old at the naughty, naughty child is not bad, but the child's naughty hurt others, that is a child. Child no correct judgment, parents should timely child education, guides the child to correct mistakes, do the right thing. Then the child's parents on the child's side, see the child to passers-by throwing stones, even as the longitudinal. It is wrong of parents. Parents is the child's first teacher, if the parents may spoil their children, so children will lose the correct sense of right or wrong judgment, to identify unknown of what was the social morality, for a long time, the children will be doing very extreme, ranging from to, while will move toward crime edge. In fact, he did not alarmist, children can't distinguish right from wrong, do parents don't know what's right? As the story 's parents, is indulging their children in crime.
This young child playing Halo, the child's parents did not work, so the child 's brother and father are also involved. Sadly, the children's parents did not properly, correctly handle the matter, but the violence. Complete disregard of the law at disregarding. The children were playing, parents and youth work, to have children beaten back. What kind of logic is this, today you to fight each other, each other again tomorrow will hit you hit, when will the retribution. But this act of revenge is a kind of fault, if the two sides hurt anyone, should be subject to legal action. Parents act of revenge, virtually affect children of things is a judgment, the child will think he is playing, parents have to revenge for yourself. Children with this idea once formed, then later encountered this kind of thing, will be to the hours of judgment as a benchmark, to violence with violence, until by the legal liability. I'm afraid at that time, the most regret is the child's parents.
To sum up, I always think, parents are the first teachers of the children, the children grew up, completely affected by their parents. The parents of every word and action, will affect the child, children imitating, children will learn the parents and action. As parents, must give the child to create a good environment for the growth, must be strict self-discipline, give their children make good example. Teach children to correctly judge things, guide the children grow healthily. Now every family generally have a child, the child 's childhood education is every parent 's responsibility, after all parents are the first teachers of the children. For the healthy growth of children, as parents in one, hope all parents can set up the correct words and deeds, for children to make them proud.







Parents and Their Children's Education

Parents take best care of their children's education. They try their best to do everything for their children.Most of them spend most of their spare time coaching their children in studies; those who have no time or cannot do it have hired tutors. Some also send their children to after-class schools. Some even have tried to improve their home environment. It seems as if a better education is all that parents expect for children.
The present situation can be explained by the following reasons. First of all, many parents have become aware that future success depends more and more on skills and education. Lack Of training or education will no longer ensure that young people have a promising future. Secondly, it is evident that in a competitive society there are both losers and winners. The children who have grasped better skills and more knowledge will enjoy more opportunities. What is more, with school tuition increasing it is also reasonable for parents to expect their children to be somebody or
great as a result of education they have received.
In good education that parents are seeking now, their children will be definitely ensured not only a bright future but also a sound intellectual and mental foundation, hence a healthy life.

Parents and Their Children's Education

Parents, especially those of teenagers, care about their children's education more than anything else. They could do everything for their children.Many of them spend most of their spare time coaching their children in studies; those who have no time or cannot do it have hired tutors. Some also send their children to after-class schools. Some even have tried to improve their home environment. It seems as if a better education is all that parents expect for children.The present situation can be explained by the following reasons. First of all, as our country's economy has been moving ahead healthily, many parents have become aware that future success depends more and more on skills and education. Lack Of training or education will no longer ensure that young people have a promising future. Secondly, it is evident that in a competitive society there are both losers and winners. The children who have grasped better skills and more knowledge will enjoy more opportunities. What is more, with school tuition increasing it is also reasonable for parents to expect their children to be somebody or do something great as a result of education they have received.Certainly, it is good to see much of parents' attention is paid to children'e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e58685e5aeb9339s education. However, in my opinion, emphasis should also be laid on fostering their other abilities and personal qualities. True, it is important to learn to succeed,but the first thing to learn is how to survive and how to be a qualified citizen. If this is included in good education that parents are seeking now, their children will be definitely ensured not only a bright future but also a sound intellectual and mental foundation, hence a healthy life.




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